Dec 01, 2005 21:32
I miss the good old times, with those old friends who I thought would never fade away, I miss my sister who I thought would be by my side forever, I miss the late nights sitting in the middle of my drive-way Talking about what God was doing in our lives, I miss watching my friends and I grow closer to God, I miss the love we all shared, I miss who we were because for just one moment in time everything stoped, everything was perfect and we.... we had each other and we had our God!
I feel burdened tonight, burdened with how things used to be, how people used to act, and how everything seemed so perfect. I never once thought for a moment that the "gang" would melt away into nothing but heart ache, hurt feelings, bitter words, and no God. We lost the only Glue that held us togeather and it left a void in my heart. these were the people I know had my back these were the ones who would die for me if it came right down to it, these were the people who pryed for me and LOVED me. But then again None of us knew what it really ment to love.
Love was to me:
something to say, something to do, someone to kiss, someone to hold, shallow, needy, clingy, false, pain, abuse, bitterness, harsh words, challenges, a touch, a tear, a cry, hopeless, empty, abandoned, a fairy tale, a mystery, a war, a mental battle and lonlieness.
Love to me now:
" Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous, love does not brag and is not arragant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek it's own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered , does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejocies with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love NEVER FAILS.... ~ 1corinthians 13:4-8
Love to me is Life. It's the willingness to sacrafice. Love in itself is the ability to love without getting tiered (mother tearesa), it's the one thing that holds you togeather in the midst of caous. Love always gives even to least of these. Love never leves, love overflows, love touches gentley, love wins the war and the battles, love is true, loves is healing, love is hope, love is faith, and love is not your tears shed or your blood lost, but instead the tears and the blood of the one true God who loved all of us enough to suffer what love was once so that we may know love now.
are you tiered tonight,
do you miss what once was?
do you remeber that time...
the time you saw love.
the time you saw what He suffered.....
so that we could know what love is NOW.
you're not alone tonight he's here right by your side waiting for you, fighting for you, dieing for you, holding you, loving you, chosing you..... He loves you..... can't you see.... He's it.... there is nothing better.... there are no arms like his..... there is no where else to go.... He's calling......... can't you hear him.... He's saying come home...... I Miss you my child.... I miss you.
~a burdened Trizah (susan)