Oct 12, 2005 13:55
Alrighty so it's deffinatley been a busy week and it's almost over!!!
I am conteplating several opptions right now:
1) take a fith year to compleat my major and hopefully get into med school
2) adding one of 2 minors Church ministry and missions or Psycology (sp??)
3) Seeing if I can take a siminary graduate class as an undergrad (pastorial care and counceling or marital and something counceling.)
4) medical schools
5) the only i never that i have left :)
I also have to say that God is amazing I spent sunday afternoon crying b/c honestly I thought everyone had forgotten about my b-day and it hurt alot, but aparently God does hear our crys b/c shortly after I started getting phone calls and got to spend time with EB so was not totaly a sucky b-day after all :) and we get to celebrate it this saturday!!!
okay so here is the story behind the name BelovedTrizah:
I spent the summer reading alot and One of the books I read was Redeaming Love by Francis rivers and I love it. in the story Michale Hosea calls Angel Trizah. It sparked intrest and so I looked it up it's in song of songs and means a number of things you can dictionary.com it.
But over all it's what I want to hear when I get to go to heaven one day "Beloved, My trizah, My beloved daugter you have come home." I know it's not your usual "well done and faithful servant" and yes it may seem aragont but this Is what i want to her my Hevanly Father say And I want my relatitonship with him to directly portray that.
I am still working on the testimony entry It's alot harder than I thought it would be to actually put it down in black and white.... I can say it out loud but when I read it, it's all funcky so we shall see!