deep and possibly offensive quote?

Nov 29, 2006 00:21

The following is from one my friends' myspace blog. It intrigued me a lot...especially the last line....I'm not sure if I agree with it or not.
Tell me what you think.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The kind of quote they should put on magnets or something.
Current mood: whelmed
Category: whelmed Religion and Philosophy

I'm reading The Silence of Adam (still) and I got to this paragraph yesterday and read it about ten times.  Every time I read it, I hear it louder in my head like a battlecry that is gaining momentum.  I thought I share it and I'd love to hear some of your reactions:

Men who learn to be facinated more with Christ than with themselves will become the authentic men of our day. Men of this generation must learn to count the cost of following Christ (the cost is easily calculated: everything we have); we must feel the emptiness of our souls until no cost seems too high if it brings us into contact with him; we must resist the influence of a "Christian" culture that values self-discovery and self-fulfillment above abandoning ourselves to God. To put it simply, we must be more concerned with knowing Christ than with finding ourselves.

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