Oct 14, 2003 10:51
First- I went to see Kill Bill with Jordan, Levi, Beasley, and Jared (jordans younger brother) it was pretty good. If you like the whole Japenese anime thing, and incorporating that into a movie, then you will like this movie. I really enjoyed it. Well, the majority of it that i got to see. I had to run out of the theatre like two or three times because i was throwing up. Uck! Now I feel like crap today, and i still have to go to work. Great! I just love to work! *says sarcastically* Now on to other things....
I am so confused right now... I can't stop thinking about Jordan and that is killing me. I can't do anything about it because, well i told someone that i wouldn't hurt him again, and i wouldn't play the stupid break up go back out again game. I Know i will be leaving, and that just sucks, but....well...oh! I miss him so much! I guess it's true when people say that you don't know what you've lost till it's gone...Or even the one that says, you want what you can't have. yeah.... the thing is, I like heath, but i love Jordan. That's not something you get over easily i guess. Beasley, Levi, Becca, and Elissa see right through me and they know what my conflicting thoughts are, but they know they can't really do or say anything to help either.... I think heath sees it too. I mean i called him Jordan. Yeah...Not to smart on my behalf. I don't know what i am supposed to do. I know that this feeling will never go away. i could ignore it, but what is that going to help? Nothing! I try doing that with everything else, but does it work? No! Yeah, this sucks. Things just happened to fast, shouldn't have happened at all, stupid stuff...grrrrrr!
I feel so icky right now...I wish i wasn't sick. Well, gotta go... bye bye