Mar 03, 2014 23:21
So I've been shit for months, I finally snapped and confirmed what I'm sure most people have noticed, I sought help, and I'm sure there will be a fairy tale ending (one day if ever a princess should ride into my life but until then I have pretty little blue and white pills).
What's really exciting is the fact I have three overseas holidays to plan for, THREE, and my music is starting to evolve again.
Going to New Zealand, international cruise and Fiji in the next 14 months. Very excited for all of them. I now have two trips to Sydney also coming to fruition.
My job got moved in a restructure. I was the only person from my section moved. For duties I don't do. So no idea what I'll be doing, who I'll be reporting to or where I'll be sitting on Tuesday next week. My boss said not to take it personally... Kind of hard when it's just me.
And my music. My beautiful music. Eventually I'll have something to be proud of. four people have already said they want to collaborate with me and one has sent through some stuff already (we were in a band years ago). My music is my sanity. That and my wonderful beautiful and adorable cat.
I have cramps all up my legs.
via ljapp