Jun 09, 2006 23:29
livid does not even describe how i feel right now... i finally decided that i am going to send a nasty gram to my mother in law... you don't call or speak to my husband in over two months but you welcome your crack head (literally) son home with welcome arms when he was just in prison for a month (not his first time there mind you)... you buy him cars, cigarettes, and all other shit, i'm sure you give him money for his crack, the asshole is downtown right now and i can only assume you gave him the money to get there... he doesn't work, doesn't pay for anything, steals from you and pawns your things, which you just buy back and pretend that it doesn't happen, you change your cell phone number and don't bother to tell your son but we find out from erick after you give him your old phone, and i only imagine that you are paying the bill on that... we've been there to help to your move, to take care of your house and pets when you are on vacation because your other son takes off on a crack binge and forgets to let your dog out for DAYS... no water, no air (it was over 80 in the house and this dog is a chow - read; hot), you have surgery and who comes to drop of pain pills for you since you didn't get any from your doctor, brings you a card, an orchid and books to read while you recover... who does your husband call when he needs help moving heavy shit (1000 pound safes), washing machine and dryer hook up, oh that was john, moving your stupid ass desk up two flights of stairs that was john too... but you might not remember that because you were sitting talking to me about how pissed you were at erick for all the shit he stole and the fact that he hadn't been home in days... lets talk about the cars that you bought him, wasn't he supposed to keep a job and pay for that mazda 3? but he didn't and now your husband pays for it... then you bought him that cadillac... i'm sure he hasn't paid a dime for that but what does it matter what erick wants erick gets... how does john feel when for ericks birthday (after you had kicked him out and he had been to jail) you let him back and bought him his ipod and all that other shit ... you didn't bother spending that on us for our fucking wedding let alone our birthdays... on christmas we get to see the parade of goods bought for erick... we can see your favorite, we understand that but lets not rub it in... and honestly lets think about all the clothes you buy for him all the time and all the other shit.. whats john done to deserve you not speaking or making contact with him for the last few months? he offered to make the situation right and you can't even call him or talk to him, you make his dad call and its not his issue it's yours but you can't bother to call... you haven't made any iota of effort to be apart of your sons life, he has never done anything to hurt you, never stole from you, never disappeared for days at a time with your car that he stole and money from your purse to go on a crack binge, in fact i'd say his been a model son but i guess that wasn't good enough for you... it hurts me to have my husband say "maybe my mom would care about me if i was a crack head too, maybe i have to go to jail for her to pay attention or give a shit..." take a look at this situation that we are in, think of the last time you bothered to even make a call to us... send an email or attempt some contact? when erick called from jail and needed to get a hold of you, regardless of our opinions on the subject or the situation with you, i made the call to you to let you know the situation and even asked if you could call us back, possibly keep us informed but you didn't care to... i thought you were a better person and i had great amounts of respect for you... i'm seeing someone else now and i wonder if i ever knew you at all... this is your son, not a friend or even one of your sisters, the bond between a mother in son is supposed to be unbreakable... you know this from your relationship with erick, he has stole from you, hurt your emotionally, talked down to you and brought shame on you (as you yourself have told me) but always you welcome him home with open arms, you hire him lawyers, you pay his bail/bond, you go to pawn shops to buy your possessions back, you make excuses for his issues and enable him to live that life... but you are willing to walk away from your oldest son, who puts you on a pedestal and treated you with nothing but respect, for something so small... something that was not done with intention (such as stealing a car, jewelry, movies, cds, money, and other random possessions including guns), something that he talked to you about and offered to pay off to you monthly... and something, which you would know if you bothered to call, that wasn't even his fault, something that we still receive a monthly bill for that showed no missed payments until this collection company got involved... maybe johnny's right, maybe he has to really fuck up to earn some respect or attention from you, but even then you might be to self involved to notice... it's sad to see and i'm sorry it came to this, i honestly never expected something like this from you but obviously i was wrong...