Someday I'm going to write.....

Jan 26, 2008 14:07

Soubi was orphaned at a young age and taken into the care of Minami Ritsu, his mother's Sacrifice. Ritsu-sensei could, on occasion, be kind to Soubi, but most of his lessons were harsh, designed to strengthen Soubi and mold him into the perfect fighter unit.

Ritsu was the one to take Soubi's ears, claiming it had nothing to do with the boys likeness to his mother. Soubi grew up believing he'd belong to Ritsu as his Fighter. This was not to be the case, however.

Aoyagi Seimei, a young boy of fifteen, chose Soubi to be his Fighter. Soubi was a blank and spare, able to adapt to any Sacrifice. He argued at first, not willing to leave Ritsu-sensei, but upon meeting Seimei, he knew he had no choice. The young boy took him away and carved a new name into Soubi's neck. There and then, Soubi became Beloved's fighter and his reputation as a perfect weapon grew.

Soubi attended an Art College when he wasn't busy as Beloved. He kept to himself, wishing only to study, but an annoying individual, by the name of Kaido Kio, began to pester him. Soubi brushed the man's attention off until he saw the tattoo. Suddenly he had an interest in Kio and the two became friends.

Before his death, Seimei had ordered Soubi to go to his little brother, Aoyagi Ritsuka, should anything happen. Soubi obeyed the order and sought out the young boy. Ritsuka wouldn't open up to him easily but Soubi was persistent. Kio observed that he was even becoming more human.

Soubi desperately sought Ritsuka's commands, but they were few and far between.
After fighting a pair called 'Zero', Soubi took them into his home, despite the fact that they cheated and wounded him. He became attached to the young boys (never openly admitting it, however) and was quite sad when they left. He confessed to kio that he felt like garbage, something that was easily cast aside, as it had happened so many times in his life.

Things got worse has Soubi learned that Seimei was still alive and reunited with his True Fighter, Nisei. He went immediately to Ritsuka and begged the boy to let them both run away together. Ritsuka was determined to stay put however and soon after they embarked on a journey to find Seven Moons, the group that Seimei had belonged to and were responsible for his 'death'.

Japanese History

Meaningless/Unnecessary pain
Most people who aren't Ritsuka
Making decisions


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