Pyramid Head
Actual Crimes:
If he has any, they're....relatively minor. At least compared to people in damned. Maybe he's gone a few places he shouldn't have, taken things he wasn't supposed to, but all for the love of him master and so on. His crimes would get him cautioned at best, I'd imagine XD
Mental Crimes:
When it comes to mental crimes? Soubi is filled with guilt. Everytime his master fails to smile, everytime he thinks he's being disloyal to his previous master, everytime he thinks about his teacher. So many things make him feel guilty. He has to be perfect or he's failed. And the smallest things feel like the biggest failures to him.
He lost his ears/is not a virgin XD
I imagine it would be difficult but not impossible. He was very well trained, but lately he's been letting go and worrying a little too much. He'd probably keep his thoughts well guarded around strangers, but if anything were to make him worry or feel guilty, his mind will become a muddled mist of emo, probably. His thoughts aren't clear but they'd be more accessible.
Things may change if he begins to gain more confidence again.
Human with a soul.
Cigarette smoke, dead butterflies and paint.
Soubi get;s his power from words to create, well, word spells. A lot if a sort of...power of suggestion. Inspiration comes from surroundings and I imagine some of the energy might too. But I'm open either way.
Shinigmai Eyes
Nothing unusual. Name and lifespan can be seen.
Soubi can perform word spells. I imagine...they're backed up with some degree of feigned confidence, but there'd be strong undertones of worry and sadness. If he fails as a fighter, he fails at life and nobody will want him :| Buuut, he was, and still is, considered the strongest Fighter. So he does have a good deal of confidence in his abilities. And some pride. And determination.
Does that help? XD
I'd say this was the same as with Telepaths. He is incredibly guarded at times, but if he begins to worry (which he does a lot lately) he'll be easier to influence. If, however, he is influenced to do something that would obviously harm Ritsuka or Kio in ANY way, he'll be more likely to fight it. If it's not obviously harmful, he can probably be tricked.
This may change once he begins to pick himself up again.
Blue Beetle
Soubi is human and can use Word Spells. They're generally used in Spell Battles against another Fighting pair but can be used to influence or attack an individual without any skill. The only spells he has at Landel's are to cut, suffocate and make someone sleepy XD