Jul 18, 2008 21:52
I just go two bills from my school today. One is fine...I can pay that no prob. The other one is a very BIG prob! I need cash!... and FAST or I'm going to have no place to live. Grate! Thanks for telling me now. I don't have time to save up $3,000 by the end of August. Really!
What the hell! Why didn't they tell me this months ago? I could have got a second job. Its to late now...I'm leaving at the end of August! Who is going to hire me for not even a month?! I have entered contests, applied for scholarships, asked about work study and asked for a cheaper room...no help there! I don't know what more to do?! I got two loans and two grants...they just covered most of my tuition. No help with anything else.
Its times like this I wish I had sucked up more to my rich relatives. I would have to be the black sheep in my family. My life couldn't suck more right now.
stressed out,