Title: Salvation
luciusmistressPairing/Characters: Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Lucius/Harry
Rating: R
Summary: "He’d been missing for two years, turned up in a bloody heap outside the hospital, and apparently slept for two days straight."
Warnings: angst, Stockholm Syndrome, implied past non-con, torture, slavery
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. JKR does. So do Warner Bros., Bloomsbury Books and many other big companies. I make absolutely no money out of this. In fact, I help them make their millions (by buying the books and DVDs). No one said life was fair.
Word Count: ~900
Notes: Set in the same 'verse as
The Malfoy Sense of Humour and
Reunion, although this is a bit more serious in tone. Takes place sometime before TMSoH