Me Crazy Noggin

May 30, 2007 11:49

I don't usually remember my dreams well enough, but dang. This one was crazy.

It consisted of some woman of average build who went to a college kid type party (drinking, loud music, destroying things) and broke it up. Slipped in and looked like she fit, then started hog tying the people running it (who I thought up later must not be human or something) without really tying them up, just beating them up and making them exhausted/knocked out. And after she had control of the whole big house type place she demanded that they all left. Some of them laughed at her, but she silenced them with threats of "Trust me, you don't want to be here when the cops get here. You could go to jail for this. Let me handle it." And it took some more convincing, but they did leave. Didn't do it quite as quietly as she would've hoped, but the place was left to her. The first version ended up with her dealing with guard dogs....though I can't figure out why they only came out then and the second, you ask? She went back inside, locked the giant doors in the huge castle-esque wall and waited for one of the people to wake up. And they turned out to be very much like the demons I thought up in Parneth. And since I absolutely adore those demons, I've thought about it here and there as I ate breakfast. I contemplate a story now...though I still, y'know, need a plot and characters and such.

One I had earlier involved a friend of mine who just recently got married. Somehow, we had agreed to eat dinner together at my place, but I forgot or got the time wrong and found her sitting on my couch, as she had been for several hours. None of my roommates had told me, she hadn't come back, etc. Strange indeed. Then I apologized profusely, we looked over at the kitchen and she commented that all the huge model-sized ATAT's that were hanging around the kitchen cupboards and cabinets were set up in an interesting arrangement. I had no idea where they came from. It was all...very odd.

Yay for an overactive imagination?

But in even better news...I stayed up way too late last night! No, but I did, actually. Why, you ask? Well, I got talking to my beta... And he helped me flesh out the characterizations and pasts of not only Nari and Tevin (not that his past needed help) but three of my I-don't-know-how-many-there'll-be rebel leaders. It's just....beautiful. I seriously wish I could write this story as fast as it comes out of my head in curious ways. This is gonna be freakin' awesome if I can pull it off. Ah, tevin_rasku, I love thee.

I get to try on my Wedding dress again and then get Visit Taught and Visit Teach. Mmm. Busy good day.

And on that note, the shower opened up. Until later,


friends, dreams, plotting, beta, tevin

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