Great News!

May 02, 2007 12:03

I have a niece! I don't have my cable, nor am I on my computer, so I shall load pictures later. But suffice it to say, she is 10 lbs, 15 oz and only, lesse...10 hours old now. Clara Leigh is her name and she's a cute pudgy little thing. Was really fussy in the picture I took with her, but she wasn't only fussy with me, so...that makes me feel a little better. She seemed pretty okay in my arms when I was sitting down, but as time went on and she kept getting moved around...the happy baby face sorta went away.

And the wibbling chin. It was! Maybe she's caused me to get over my baby-phobia. Hm.

And, and! Mom called and said she and Dad are coming down from the 9th to the 12th! It feels like ages since I've seen them and it'll be nice to have them meet Brazil more...Well, Dad can meet him for the first time, actually. But that's besides the point.

But yes. I'm getting fitted for my dress in two hours, driving Fi to the airport in four, I got to hold a baby (I was the third non-parent to hold her. Hah!), talk to my Mom and yes. Life is definitely getting better. I just need a better paying job. Hrm.


work, parents, clara, brazil, family, roommates, babies, wedding dress

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