Just Another Monday

Mar 27, 2006 18:49

Well, today wasn't quite as productive as I would've hoped, but I'm determined to get things done before and after FHE. Got some papers to hash out, kanji to memorize like mad...yeah. I doubt I'll be able to do it all, but I can sure try. At least my reading for Gothic Lit. is lighter for the rest of the semester. I just get to do papers of DOOM now, that's all.

I'm getting ready for Japan and ZOMG! It's coming up so quick...*twitches* I can't decide if I should be terrified or ecstatic. I'll settle for frazzled, I guess.

But this weekened Ci and I went out clothes shopping and I got some undershirts, a pair of green capris, a pair of jeans and the first DVD of Saikano. I've seen snippets in amv's and always wondered what it was like. And there it was, in GameStop, for ten bucks. I know, I'm a terrible person, I gave in.

I got re-interested in my pirate fanfic, which is probably a good thing. The next installment is overdue. And luckily none of my (few, but hardy) reviewers have started harassing me yet, but my beta gently reminds me to get on it. And all I have written? Some notes. Yeah. Lots of pain.

But on Saturday I got to go to the Salt Lake Temple and do baptisms. It was definitely different than the Seattle Temple, but a very good experience. Only part that bothered me was having it so windy outside and the part where it took forever and a day to get everyone back together and fed. We'd left at four p.m. and got there in good time, but it was pushing 8 p.m. and we still were waiting for our promised dinner. So I joined a carload of people leaving early and was given the food I was supposed to eat on Saturday night on Sunday. And the huge chunk of sandwich? Was happily consumed during/after my Study Abroad class today. Mmmm, sandwich...

Probably should eat a bit more, but I'll wait until after FHE. We're bound to have treats anyway.

Off to try and do homework for the ten or so minutes before FHE, then FHE, then...homework. And when I get twitchy? Chatting and Shades. Whoo!


temples, life, fanfic, shopping, shades, homework, sandwiches, pirates, fhe, anime

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