
Mar 19, 2007 16:32

Yet another Monday is upon us. And it could've been better, but it also could've been worse.

I'm in my last class for the day and I while I only got like 2 1/2 hours of work in, it's better than nothing. Last night was pretty fun aside from having to dodge past the huge crowd of people to get to my apartment and Brazil and I wandered campus until midnight. It's so nice to not be utterly freezing. Though it was sad to see that my "Shakespeare hates your emo poems" sweatshirt is way too big. But maybe it'll shrink. I can hope. The t-shirt I got from fits nicely, though! And I'm also glad I don't have to keep emailing DHL to ask them to add my apartment number to the address because it looked like threadless had deleted it. Anyway, that dilemma is over.

Went to the Expo, didn't die, felt tired, put my name in for lots of drawings, didn't spend any money, then met up with Brazil's dad and sister at Cabela's (this huge hunting store). I spent well...the whole time looking at the taxidermy. And wanting to pet the bear cub they randomly had there for pictures. But it sounded so sad when it was tired! But we were both tired by this point, went back to his house and watched part of an old movie (Little Tinker?) with his mom while we waited. Turns out we had forgotten to tell his family I had a birthday party to go to at 8, so...we BBQ'd fast and ran out the door after eating.

We got a little stressed over trying to figure out honeymoon plans (they've got a timeshare and are going to reserve it for us) but it should be resolved now. ...and I also randomly cut myself in his car. *sighs* I need to learn to not pick at things.

But that was Saturday and Sunday went pretty well, mostly read and hung out. After getting home, Ci and I looked over some wedding dresses in a magazine I got along with looking at invitations. I got stuck on one of 'em...and I'll show you later tonight, kay, Brazil?

...and I'm going dress shopping tomorrow at 6 with my sister-in-law. Eep. Must be decisive and stick to my guns. And maybe be daring? As far as Ci and I can tell, I know what I like when I see it. And I usually just stick to it. At least I know what I like?

Either way, got a movie to film, a class to finish, and too much homework to do. Along with maybe groceries to buy soon. I better be off.


friends, brazil, life, food, dress, wedding

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