Silly Dad

Jan 01, 2007 19:07

Being lazy like this is good for me. But I'll just need to make sure I break back into less lazy habits when I get back to Provo. Or I'll really be in trouble for school. Yeesh.

Most of the time I find myself in the Great Room, hanging out while Mom's doing this and that, Dad's doing stuff on his laptop and elsewhere, and life is generally okay. We've taken shopping trips, eaten good food, talked, and what else? Watched a lot of TV and movies. Just, wow.

But my bit of humor for the day? Is Dad's hilarious shows of randomly forgetting things. We went through my movie collection and when I heard that he hadn't seen The Emperor's New Groove I insisted that we see it. I remember us watching it. Tonight at dinner? He says "What movie? I don't remember that one." I try all the usual tricks to spark his memory, quotes from it, "the Llama one", more quotes...

It all fails. Until Mom gets involved, I insist he's seen it, and then we describe the plot a bit. Yup. I was right, he'd seen it with me this break. *sighs* Ah, the joys of Dad...

Happy New Year, happy holidays, enjoy the rest of the break, and much health, love, fun, etc. for everybody.


family, movies, life, dad

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