Fic For Nene!

Nov 25, 2006 00:00

Nene's tired of being sick and I've had this sitting around in the works for a while... This ficlet is Scarlet Spiral based, starring Genma and Ayumi.

Be happier, Nene-senpai!

No matter to how flexible Genma said he was, Ayumi still thought it was more than a little cramped to be hiding on the eave of roof for nearly a half hour. The weather in the northern-most Hi no Kuni city was dismal, but had yet to rain on them. For that at least, Ayumi was grateful.

But even more than disliking her current position, it was the fact that she couldn’t move that irritated her. Her legs weren’t cramping up - yet - but they were itching to swing out and kick some butt. Even if it had to be a certain man’s butt who was sitting there and blocking out any kind of view of anything worthwhile.


No response.


“What?” came his agitated whisper.

“Can we switch positions?”


“Why not?” she frowned and glared at his back. She’d already memorized all the wrinkles and she was bored.

“Too much movement. Now shut up.”

“But I’m bored.” It was a struggle to keep her voice low.

Genma actually turned his head enough to look back at her. She was sure his eyebrow was arched behind the reflective white mask. She’d seen that expression enough to know exactly what it looked like.

“I am bored…”

“We’re nearly done, now shut up and stay still.”

She glared at his back and even stuck out her tongue - though he couldn’t see it. Her mask would have hid it even if he had kept his head turned to look back at her. She was still fidgety and bored out of her mind.

Genma let out a soft sigh after listening to and feeling her fidget at his back for several more minutes. “Grab my shirt.” He felt her perk up. “Go ahead.”

He didn’t bother to stop himself from rolling his eyes as she promptly did so, finally settling down and staying still. Her fingers were firmly curled in the cloth until the assassination.

It never failed to amaze Genma how just a little bit of cloth could calm her.

spiral, fic, nene, ayumi, genma

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