
Sep 28, 2006 12:51

So I got to actually chat and rp a bit yesterday. There is still love in this world!

...and I got 100 icons now. Need to fill 'em up.

And I read 325. *grins* Ohhhhh, the joys.

AND SQUEAK COMES TOMORROW! ...am not looking forward to driving on Utah freeway, but we should be all right traffic wise, methinks. *ponders this*

Off to write my Germanic poem of doom...Thank you Fi and Ci for ideas! And the awesome list of non-IE words. *grins* Eel! Rat! Bone! Blooooood!

*wanders off*


P.S. Now my challenge is picking which icon out of 50+ I have....

naruto, roomies, squeak, utah freeways, homework, bel is productive, class, manga

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