The 19th of May

May 19, 2006 03:34

Here goes!

May 19th, 2006 (Friday); Internet room, Fukuyama House, Kyoto, Japan; 6 p.m.

I was a bum today, but it’s been fun. And I think I can afford to do a lot of nothing today.

Last night was pretty fun. Haruyo showed me how to make Okonomiyaki and I even made my own. Well, cooked and flipped it over at least. Enjoyed eating it with Tonkatsu sauce on top and joked with them for a while. Did my supplement article (on a recipe, no less) and got some help from Haruyo. Also asked her about the topic of conversation yesterday - seems Oshima-sensei was right. They really don’t talk about such things in Japan. Though I must admit I’m a little creeped out by how much we talk about it sometimes in America. Oh well, I’m not one to go and call a culture stupid or anything. The US has plenty of it’s own problems, ne?

Woke up the latest ever yet - Haruyo woke me up about the time I usually leave. Yup. I’m a clever one. I think I’d fooled myself into thinking it was a Saturday and there was no reason to get up… oh well, I got there and was all right (sorta) for time. Missed most of devotional, but then we discussed some more details for the trip and then split up for the tests. I missed having the long period to just chat and goof off with the older class, but we had tests to take, ne?

We took the harder of the two first and I think I did all right, though I really wish I’d known more kanji. But that’s a constant wish. I usually can know the meaning, but it’s the readings that always kill me. Especially when I just get a reading down and then find out it has about five more. Grr.

The test was pretty all right until the end - when we had the new article. I used my jisho a bit and I think I got most of the questions right. They were worded funny and the article was largely an announcement for a meeting about preserving/protecting national cultural treasures. We tend to skip over people and place names - and this article had a lot of them. But I finished fourth and then got the second test. This one was considerably easier. Matt has finished first, then Travis, then Meghan, and then me. Julie and Lauren were still going after I’d finished. Though it looked like Lauren was almost done when I asked her about possibly going to Lake Biwako with her family tomorrow. And so I’m going to call her tonight - go me for reminding people?

Took random pictures in Travis’ Shinsengumi haori and headband - he sorta shoved them on me and I’d forgotten mine - and basically goofed off for a bit before heading out to go switch Meghan’s jisho(dictionary). She had almost bought one that was about a hundred yen less (83 or so dollars) but Travis had thought it didn’t have the multi-kanji function. And we found it did, so we went back and switched it. But we had the misfortune of setting off the alarm inside the new jisho’s box and had to explain that and I did something I’ve wanted to for a while.

I ran up an escalator. It’s a lot harder than it looks and the very top (beginning, normally) is scary. You just sorta have to take a leap of faith. I’ve been doing a lot of terrifying stunts on my bike recently along with challenging myself and only speaking Japanese, so it’s only fitting, right? The bike stuff happens because there are so many people on the sidewalks and Meghan always rides so fast. Plus I’m a little chicken still and will always slow down rather htan speed up to avoid a collision. And she’ll keep speeding ahead, so I’ll have to really race to catch up. And now I’m wondering if me staying in 3rd gear all the time is a bad thing. Maybe I’m just really buffing up my legs…

Travis and I had originally planned to go to Shinsengumi sites today, but I wasn’t really feeling the urge and I didn’t want to spend an entire afternoon with him. Plus I had a bento and he wanted to eat out and I wanted to send off packages to friends today. So I bade him farewell and followed Meghan and got home without much adieu. It was a little sprinkly, but I talked to Haruyo (who was leaving for a dentist appointment soon) and she drew me a map to the closest post office (yuubinkyoku). With that assured, I figured out whose addresses I had and brought those gifts with me to Vivre, the Depatoo behind my house. Got there without much trouble on foot - Yay for not getting lost! - and bought a few things (a chawan for Ci, manga…chopsticks, and some okashi/snacks). Hurried home in the rain (it was a little heavier then) and then headed out by bike. Had to ask for directions because I couldn’t see the McDonald’s that Haruyo had drawn on the map. It was, of course, just a whole half-sized building over. Then I reached the end of what I thought was the end of the block and wondered if I’d passed it. The same guy was walking along and told me it was farther up and I headed off again, thanked him profusely of course. I sometimes wonder if I really look as hopeless as they seem to think I am by the way they help me…

Got to the post office and got passive again. Let a lady cut in front of me - she offered to let me go first, but I still wasn’t sure how long this would take me and just what I was going to say - and then managed to lose my spot again when I went over to look at the box sizes. The smallest one was a little too big, but I used the extra padding the cashier had given me for the chawan - I don’t have an address yet *cough* so I’ll have to wait to send that… - and managed to get at least one of the gifts into the box and not have it be horribly huge. But then I had to explain that I was sending these to the US, I wanted to exchange the second box for a big envelope, and ended up getting switched to a different employee. Poor lady, having to deal with me.

The second figured out what I was saying and through garbled conversation I got both addressed, paid for and sent off. Should take about a week. *crosses fingers* Hope they get there safe and sound, Spaz and Keryn! But I now have an address for Jlee, so I can hopefully send that off tomorrow. All depending on how this Biwako thing goes.

Headed home in the rain and managed to not get too wet. Came inside, felt a little too warm again and then got comfortable in this room. And have been goofing off, catching up with internet stuff, and eating my previously forgotten lunch. But I should get moving again, though I had wanted to take a nap about an hour again. Kept working through it and here I am, wide awake again. Eh, I can perhaps go to bed early, or sleep in.

And that’s my daily report so far, much love to all!


rain, biwako, japanese, shinsengumi, tests, post office, gifts

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