(no subject)

Sep 02, 2008 23:18

I always intend on doing longer, in-depth posts and then I get distracted. (This time, by Cute Overload, Daily Coyote, and other things...)

So, here goes the bullet-point version of an update.

*Got back from Provo. It was much fun there. (I played with kitties!)
*Walked out this morning to go see whether PetSmart was gonna hire me or not. Found out that my front passenger tire was flat. ...huh.
*Took Brazil's car to PetSmart, found out they wanted a weekend/evening person. Craaaap. At least I was possibly qualified otherwise?
*Went home, got a call from the Environmental Health & Safety office at USU. Got an interview at 9 a.m. tomorrow. I'm so qualified it's sick.
*Made grocery plan, got groceries, picked up Brazil from school.
*Dropped off groceries, took car to shop (after Brazil lovingly changed my tire to the spare)
*Got a call, while there, for an interview at the USU library. That's at 10 a.m. tomorrow. Huh.
*Dinner turned out great. Huzzah.
*Got to chat with people, huzzah!

Yeah. Now I gotta tidy up downstairs, remember to practice guitar tomorrow (since I've been a bum) and get enough sleep for getting up early tomorrow.

...and y'know, finish up the laundry that I totally forgot was in both machines *innocent whistling*

And that'll be all for now. Until tomorrow, when I have reports from the interviews. *crosses fingers* Wish me luck!

car, work, brazil, life, jobs

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