8 Days Later...

Jun 18, 2008 09:48

I finally post again.

Not much to say, unfortunately. It's been getting awfully hot here in Utah. Been going to work, the orders of doom are finally slowing down, I'm also folding these stupid posters that reek of the "newness" smell, and guess what?

...we moved cubicles. AGAIN. It only took me an hour or so to do it this time, but honestly. The people I sat in front of the first time? They're moving back to where they were before. And I just switched what side of the cubicle row I was on (granted, it was to the side that can't see the previous cubicle) and back a few. It's just....blargh. Stupid stupid stupid.

...and I'm hungry already. Narg.

work, stupid people, life

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