About Fanfiction...

Apr 11, 2006 13:39

This may or may not be known by the general readers of my livejournal, but I thought I might as well share. I write fanfiction. Granted, I've drifted from using canon characters as much and focus more on my original characters and sidestories. I tried to do a Trigun self-insertion. Failed miserably and I'm really glad this happened. What was I thinking trying to write dialogue in my shoddy Japanese? Ugh. I've written DBZ stuff since I was, oh, twelve? And trust me, that will never go online. Even if I still think Tenar kicks some serious trash. Um, I've dabbled with random other series, but thankfully never gotten very far with them. I've got a horde of plot bunnies always willing to strike. Normally when I've settled down to do some serious homework.

But for my real joy in fanfiction: Pirates of the Caribbean. I explained it to crimsonriver last night, but probably profusely confused her. In short? With a co-author I managed to build myself into a four-story set tale. With a possible fifth appearing if rythmteck/Sarah ever wants to write the story about Jack Sparrow's child. Yes, I know, the idea of Captain Jack Sparrow married makes many people cringe and say "Mary Sue! Ick!" or something along those lines, but Winnifred Morgan is hardly that. And she's Sarah's character. Um, how's about I summarize the tales in a lj-cut? Yeah, I'll do that.

At least they've got nifty titles, right?

Four-Sided Eyes

This is my first serious Fanfic and though I'd seriously like to edit it to pieces and groan over how cliche/slapstick/stupid some things are, I'm still proud of it. First long story I finished. Well, first one I finished since I seriously writing, actually. I think. Anyway, plot.

To make it interesting, I set it in four different points of view: Kendra (OC), Sparrow, Janette (OC), Captain Sprigget (OC).

It starts with my pirate captain, Kendra. She's captain of the Dilettante and is anything but a Mary Sue. 4'10", fiesty, unsure of her role in society as a woman (poor girl was raised by pirates), and a whiz with her cutlass, she wanders the seas and dabbles in French, plays a cabin boy on land (it got obnoxious having to tell people that she was the captain, they kept looking to her full grown male first mate), and basically enjoys life. She meets Sparrow at a bar and plays up the lad bit. Nothing much more happens with him. Then disaster strikes.

Captain Sprigget is my villain of sorts, though I do try to make him more sympathetic to the readers. He's a disgruntled pirate captain without a ship. Makes it hard to hold onto his crew. They're anxious to get back to sea and he sees Kendra's ship moored out in the bay. He strikes and catches her off guard. (I realize more of her crew would probably be aboard now, but eh. Too late.) They kill those who are aboard and only stun Kendra, think she's dead, and throw her overboard. Steal the ship.

Kendra drifts back to shore and wakes up to Sparrow poking her, ends up persuading him that the wrappings around her chest are just bandages (he's still unsure, but lets it slide - slightly drunk, he is) and manages to join his crew. She helped him get rum, she can't be all bad, right? So she plays Pierre on his ship and simmers angrily about her ship being stolen. And hopes she can steal it back with her regained mobility. Her crew is also keeping an eye out and know she's hiding with Sparrow.

Janette, the last piece. She's a fluffy French girl (and no, she's not a Sue either) whose ship is attacked by Sparrow and she's taken captive. Kendra has a to translate. She hates Janette. Chaos ensues.

And the tale wanders onward; sword-fights occur, the navy gets involved, Kendra is stuck in situations she hates, she learns to deal with Janette, and eventually all is righted again. And it was insanely hard to figure out how to do four different view-points dealing with the same situation. Okay, it was only three most of the time, but still. Getting into Jack, Kendra, and Janette's head in one situation? Hard. And it's done.

Did I mention the chapter titles in Four-Sided Eyes are all really fun?

Warning: Long, but very fun. And I'm still irritated at how confusing the translation chapter is. And please ignore the author comments. They're so painful.


This one is by Sarah and is far superior to my writing. Trust me, this woman is a genuis, which leaves me wondering why she recommended my story in this one. Hm.

Anyway, this is about Winnifred Morgan, granddaughter of the great pirate Henry Morgan. Her lovely family is introduced, she has run-in's with Captain Sparrow and romance occurs. I can't describe the plot half as well as she could. But if you like action, adventure, witty retorts, wonderful crafting and the world of PotC? Go there. Devote a lot of time to each, but we have summer coming up, right?

Bask in the awesomeness that is Inconvenient.

Caught by the Past

This one is also by Sarah, but I get involved part way through. This is set three plus years later than Inconvenient and revolves mostly around Winn and her past coming back to bite her. She killed a man's son while learning how to be a pirate captain - granddad would insist on nothing less - and his father is a little vengeful. And so he tries to kill her. But the terrible twist is that she's pregnant. Oh, poor Winn.

Jack goes to the rescue, Kendra gets sucked into it and uses her usual wiles of disguise. (Sarah uses the lovely lines "Mistress of disguise" to describe her. Squee!) This is a rolicking drama and oh so much fun. Devote a lot of time to this one, too. But it's so worth the read.

Oh, the joys of Co-authorship that is Caught by the Past.

Twisting Fate

My current project. Sadly, I've been so busy with Shades that I sit back and think that I've already finished the sucker, since it's all planned out in my head in my notes. But I don't. And I try to update monthly, but I have yet again procrastinated and it'll be due for the second month on the 16th. Yeah. But! I have 900 words done on this next chapter! And I finally got the creative juices going again. I'm at...well, I'll get to that.

This started out because of a random question by Sarah. Something like "Wouldn't it be funny if Alex and Kendra hooked up?" ...I'm far too much a fan of writing romance. A fact kilerkki probably bemoans. But we all know Kendra by now - she's a happy godmother of Sparrow's child at this point - so all we have left to do is to find out who this Alex character is. He's Alexander Thompson, Winn's childhood friend. The really interesting part about him is this: He was originally planned to be gay. He playfully jokes about how cute Jack is way back in Inconvenient and no one was the wiser. But one comment from Sarah and our brains start whirring and we have him only faking it. To find out the reason, you'll just have to read. No, I'm not trying to suck you in, 'course not.

He finds himself with a fancy for her - they always had amusing banter - and he starts his wary pursuit of Kendra. He's got a particularly difficult task ahead of him. Kendra is an enigma of sorts, even Jack calls her this, as she's not entirely female, nor really male either. She's just so used to hiding under the guise of a cabin boy and a strong pirate captain that she doesn't know how to be a girl. Especially not be a woman in love. But he presses forward anyway.

It would spoil things to explain why I'm currently plagued by a band of Scotsmen, so you'll just have to read to find out. Or poke me a lot in messenger. I'm usually quite loquacious when in small groups or I like the topic. Either way, the Scots' dialogue is giving me problems, but I'm moving forward anyway. And that would be why I was up until 4 a.m. Re-reading bits, er, most of TF and getting myself back in the TF groove.

I can only hope you'll join me in the ride. The more prodding and brainstorming, the better. But yes, I understand there's a whole lot of backstory to this. But I suppose you could skip ahead and I'd explain things in more detail if you really want...you'd just miss some of the inside jokes and amusing bits here and there.

How you plague me, Twisting Fate...

/blatant plugging of stories

And I think that's it. Other than how I can not stay up as late as I did last night anymore. Bad, bad baka. Um, and I found out the name of my Kyoto host family! Tachibana! I saw a quick picture of them, too. They either have two teenagers, or two youngerish kids. Can't remember now.

-beloved (or bobo3, if you'd like)

life, potc, kendra, fanfic, japan, blatant plugging, bel's stories, host family

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