
Mar 06, 2008 11:28

Well, I usually never remember more than a vague impression or a solitary image from my dreams after I wake up. Today, though, I guess I fell back asleep enough that I remembered a lot more of it. Plus, well, there were talking animals. Somehow that always sucks me in.

Well, the beginning is long gone, but I think Brazil and I were still married and living in this smallish apartment. Larger than the one we have now, but still not the most roomy or luxurious little bit of space. We were at a party or some other function and there was a dog that was gonna be put down or let loose or whatever. And even though I hadn't gotten permission from Brazil I just instinctively said yes. No matter to the fact that the dog was nearly as big as me (or at least a good Collie-type size. It changed, okay?) and we'd have a heck of a time making our schedules work so that the dog wouldn't be left alone in our place for hours on end. Plus I had no idea if it was a destructive dog, or if we had permission to keep it from our landlord(s). ...something tells me we certainly wouldn't have permission.

Anyway, it's semi-stormy outside, I'm trying to get a ton of stuff moved out to our car (which is not either of our cars...) and Brazil's off doing something else and I have to get this dog out there, too. When I'm alone with the dog it starts talking to me. It's either telepathic or it just talks without moving it's mouth, but there is definite communication going on. Anyway, it's grateful I'm taking it in and things should be all right, etc. I'm a little weirded out, but not nearly as much as I should be.

Time passes, insignificant things must have happened, and I've nearly got all the stuff back into our apartment. I have no idea why it was not there originally. Plus I have no real idea where it's all going to fit. And...through circumstances that I'm fuzzy on and seemed tragic and dangerous, I end up with a pair of blue birds. Not the normal kind, but the kind that Tristan's mother (Una?) in Stardust is turned into. Though not with that cool black crest on its head. Anyway, they can talk and all that cool stuff, too.

After that, things get more fuzzy. Someone dangerous/bad/mean is trying to get back at these animals or capture them or something. And I was starting to sort out what was going on, Brazil was strangely absent the whole time, and then I had to wake up before I could face off with this person...thing...whatever.

But it was certainly exhilarating. And I wanted to know what was gonna happen! And save the talking cool animals, too. But that's what any devoted animal lover like myself would do, right?

In other news, after many diversions (including random small projects), more progress is finally going to be made on the project I'm supposedly going to be working on. And that means I need to get the script into a more workable version and run a meeting tomorrow, at three. *twitches* I didn't think I had stage fright...but is "meeting fright" theoretical? ...plus it means I should actually have something to do after this. Yay?


work, brazil, movies, dreams, animals

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