Weekend In Short

Mar 02, 2008 18:59


"Sore throat, ick."
"...oh crap, do I have Strep? Neverhadstrepgonnadie!"
*Leaves work early*
*Tries to get a doctor/hospital to test her*
*Gets shafted by several*
"Friggin' Tuesday at the soonest?" *irked*
*Brazil calls BYU Health Center - solution found!*
*Test done, negative result*
*Wanders stores with Brazil, limbs/body go weak, exhausted*
"Stupid body. I didn't even walk my usual two miles! Grar...tired."
*Slumps, sleeps for 11 Hours*

*Lives...somehow. Sneezes lots, etc.*
*Feels much better*
*Skips Baby Shower in favor of rest and non-contamination of others.*
*RP's and stays mostly prone*

*Blows nose a lot at church*
*Actually checks e-mail. Huzzah?*

And that's about it. Tired and congested still. Yay?


sick, brazil, life

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