It's a good thing it's Friday...

Jan 11, 2008 14:56

Two posts in one day is not what I intended, but...I had to protest somewhere.

So, I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but the game Metroid Prime III I got for Brazil for the Wii would not work. The machine simply wouldn't register the disc and we'd seen no other problems with it. It had been too long since we'd bought the game, so Nintendo's warranty was our only option.

So, we sent it out. Sent it out on the 2nd, I believe. Got it back today. ...and it looks like they replaced our Wii.

And oh, guess what?

The game still doesn't work. Brazil's calling them back to see what's up and we have our doubts that they even looked at the game.

...oh, and my work computer picked up the Adware.PurityScan virus. Which doesn't do much to me, thankfully, but it won't go away. And the IT guy here says it's rather nasty to remove. ...which means I'll be giving him my computer after Tuesday (when our report is turned in for the month). Huzzah.

I am so glad it's Friday and tomorrow I get to make my Psi-Kitty. Though...perhaps Psi-Cougar-sized-Feline is more appropriate. Poor guy (Nimitz) is gonna be unnaturally colored for his species. Thankfully for him, that's just gonna make him pure black. Mmm, pretty kitty...

And with that, I'll stop rambling and suffer through the last two hours of work.


EDIT: And apparently our problem was a lack of an update and having to click on the Disc Channel despite the fact that the game icon didn't show up. ...and still doesn't, apparently. *headdesk*

nintendo, nimitz, wii, rping, spyware, metroid prime

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