Jobs, halloween, wedding dresses, and a summary

Oct 31, 2007 17:43

So, I have returned from my first day of work. I suppose I'll start with the wedding first, though.

So here goes...

Wednesday my parents came down and I got my endowments at the Mount Timpanogos Temple. We ate huge burgers and shakes afterwards, which were very good. Then we split ways, I did lots of errands with my parents on Thursday (including getting our two pictures from the photographer framed and such; fyi 10x13 is a hard size to frame) and then on Friday we headed up to Salt Lake. My brother and sister flew in that day and we dinked around a little before we had a big dinner with Brazil's family, my sister-in-law Kristen, and Clara, and my family. The food was good.

Saturday came, I got ready, I was pretty, I got there a little before Brazil, but we were apparently early. Even though we were there at the time they told us to be. I had to watch three or four couples come in and leave, so that didn't help the little bit of anxiety I had. Mostly because I wanted to get married already. But it happened and it was faster than I expected. I got into my wedding dress (I was married in my temple dress) and primped a bit, then headed out for the slew of pictures. There weren't as many as before, thankfully, but Brazil's cousin took a bunch and posted them all on facebook. I also had lots taken on my camera, which I will post later. Probably sometime tonight.

Went to the luncheon after that and the food was good. We exchanged rings, had to kiss whenever someone rang a glass, got someone at each table to do introductions for all the occupants, and basically had a good time. I managed to take the huge floofy skirt out from underneath my dress so I could actually sit. That was definitely nice. Though then my dress was too long. *sigh*

We opened the handful of presents we got there (more are forthcoming) and sent them down with his parents, then headed out to check into our hotel. Brazil and I went out to dinner to Applebee's and had surprisingly small appetites.

Sunday we stopped by parents' hotel, dropped off my dress with them (for the reception) and then stopped by his house. Got some of the leftovers and the gifts, then headed down to Provo and got me all the way settled in. I replied to the fateful email and said I could come into an interview on Tuesday. We ate leftovers. It was mostly a lazy, nice day.

Monday I did a bunch of errands and Brazil went to school/work as usual. I bought a broom. All leaves will fear me. Rawr. We ate leftovers.

Tuesday I went into the interview and it felt like it was more of "So here's what the job is like" with a heavy sprinkle of "we'd like to have someone by tomorrow". I came out of it feeling like I was 95% sure I'd gotten the job. Went down to my brother's place and helped him clean and pack a bit. Held Clara some and generally enjoyed myself. Got a free bookcase out of the deal, though I had to haul it out in my car instead of their U-Haul. It luckily came out of the experience undamaged. I had a guy friend (who had helped me move Senior year actually...) help me get the bookcase out the car, reassemble the two parts (top and bottom separated) and put books into it. The previous manga-bookshelf became our microwave stand and I reveled in the regained counter space. And then I got a lovely, lovely call. Saying I'd gotten the job and could I come in tomorrow? I obviously said yes. And felt very, very giddy. We ate leftovers. For the last time, thankfully.

Today I went in for my first day of work. I was three minutes late, but my boss was walking in the same time as me. Said it was no big deal, I'd already impressed them yesterday. I got trained in how to do most of my job, but I'm sure I'll still need help in the future. I mostly use Excel to organize the data about how many units of Microsoft Office are uploaded and how many certifications are issued. And get everybody to give me their data. It's a temporary-to-permanent position, depending on if they want to keep me. They may just let me keep my job, or give it back to the lady who's going on maternity leave and make a new job for me. Or something. And she definitely deserves the leave -- today was her due date. Yeesh.

Overall, it was very fun. A little mind-boggling at times with so many names to keep track of, cubicles to maneuver around, Excel formulas and such to figure out, and a crazy meeting to sit through. My two bosses are leaving today to go meet with Microsoft, so I'll train some more tomorrow and have Friday off. Yay me? Today was especially strange because they were going all out for Halloween. My area got turned into a blacked out spook alley are (one little girl got scared that I saw) and there was a Candy land, another spooky area, and tons of decorations. I felt sad that I hadn't attempted a costume, but I hadn't heard if they were dressing up or not. Turns out they were. At least I was wearing my skull and crossbones t-shirt that says "hugs and kisses". Just think tic-tac-toe but with skeletons.

But yes. Tonight I made pork roast for the first time and it turned out amazingly tender. Brazil and our friend Ben kept raving about how soft it was. Seasoned well, didn't even need a knife to cut it, and everything else was good too. It's a very good feeling to eat a "real" dinner and get tons of compliments.

Well, I should get off now so Brazil can put in his new video card. It was more pricey than I hoped, but at least it's high end enough that it will have the quality match the price and will last a longer time. Here's hoping at least.

See anybody online soon, I'll be hopping over to the laptop then.

Lots of love,


halloween, job, brazil, life, food, wedding

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