12 Days!

Oct 15, 2007 23:22

Quick update, as I'm tired.

*Black Widow spider was most likely in the window well outside my room. I think it's gone now. ...but it so was in my dream before I had seen it. Creepy.

*Had random nightmares (some with subject matter that should disqualify them) the last few nights.

*Haven't had a temp job in a bit. This is bad.

*Did get moneys from work earlier and from Mom. ...spent too much, but got pretty much all necessary things. I just didn't necessarily need them right now.

*Am writing in new journal. This is good. Must keep it up. Also brought back Japan journal to apartment. Must print out journal entries from Japan.

*Found out that the Nature Sunshine people take two weeks to decide they want someone with more experience.

*Made a real dinner for the first time in a while. I still dislike the before and after of dishes. I'm fine with them when I'm actually doing them. This is strange.

*I still very much likes the Heroes. And the episodes are online. Happy.

*I think too hard about the future some times. I don't seem to be able to do the "go with the flow" theme too well. And depression feelings slip in. Stupid feelings.

*Interview with BYU went well. I sent a thank you email after looking them up. Perhaps I should write a thank you email to the other guy.

*I feel skinny. This is...good?

*I need numbers for the wedding lunch. Previous roommates? Yea? Nay? I need to know ASAP.


dreams, life, japan, wedding, jobs

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