[insert number here]

Aug 15, 2007 11:49

So. Goal #1 (get up by 8 and be heading to the shower) still has eluded me, but I might get the other two in.

My parents and sister are in town now, so I'll likely be spending even less time online. Gonna pick up my dress, pay the alteration fees (friggin' $90), figure out my hair for tomorrow (still no word from the girl that was gonna do it), and generally hang out. Or something. Maybe we'll move some of my furniture to the new apartment. We'll see I guess.

Tomorrow in the evening we'll be taking Wedding pictures. My photographer loves the idea of taking the pictures early. You can pick the lighting, only deal with the couple instead of the huge group, and the grounds are way less crowded. I'm okay with this. I just need to make sure I stay happy instead of reflecting on the fact that Friday I would've been married. Like saying a "It's okay to be happy, it's okay to be happy" mantra instead of "Don't be sad, don't be sad, don't think about it" type mantra. ...both suck.

But yes, parents and sister leave on Saturday. After which Brazil and I have a Mistborn 2 pre-release party.

And yeah. ...that's about it.


EDIT: And tomorrow at 2:30 I have my interview from the slew of jobs I applied for. Hallelujah.

family, brazil, pictures, wedding

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