Well, this morning was interesting. I was awoken by my phone ringing - a more common occurance than I'd like to admit - and perked up right away when I heard what it was about. (Though...most of these phone calls are important.) It was the International Services Center at BYU and they wanted to interview me. I got ready fast and still managed to be a few minutes late. And gave my left little toe a blister. *grrr* It went well and I'm just hoping that them not having a Japanese speaker in there...and well, me being a Japanese speaker...will get me the job. I hope, hope, hope. Called Mom after getting into work, and buying bargain books and walking across campus barefoot and got things figured out for my return home. Here's hoping I don't fit into that yellow dress from the 9th Grade dance so I don't have to wear it at the Bridal shower...
And the list continues...
Wednesday: Get call about job interview. Do job interview. Get a call (hopefully) that will let me pick up Brazil's ring. Pack? Don't think about being home alone.
Thursday: Take in car for oil change at 2. (It's sad this was the soonest I could get in.) Pack? Rejoice in the roommmates' return.
Friday: Fly out to Washington. Go to HP release party. Hear about the job. Please, please let me get it...
Saturday: Try not to die of embarrassment/awkwardness at Nana's Bridal Shower/Garden Party for me. I shouldn't be so scared of lingere, but...at Nana's?
Sunday: Church, see peoples?
Monday: Shopping with Mom? Fly back to Provo/UT in the evening/afternoon.
And that's life basically. Got my bouquet ordered yesterday, as well as confirming the decorations and menu for the dinner of the 17th. Here's hoping it all goes well...