Still Gone...

Jun 15, 2007 12:59

Still in Hawaii, but I'm down to only two more days. It's been a blast, though I really should get off the computer now... Three pages of lj to skim through takes more time than I thought. But I thought I should let you all know that I am, in fact, still alive and well. Slightly more sunburned/tanned in a few spots, but I'm not a beach bum. Yeah...I get turned off to sand all over me than I remember. Been biking, hiking, snorkeling, and generally having fun. Gonna be glad to go home, though.

Just because it amuses me...I got a phone message from our printer for the invitations. They wanted us to come look at another proof before they started printing. This is, of course, after I already signed off on them on the condition they fix the typos in there. ...and when they called back after I called to say we signed off on it and want them done before we return? They called at 4 a.m. ...yeah, guys, thanks for noticing that I said "I'm in Maui" when I called. *grumbles* I've been getting up before 7 for far too many days in a row...even if my body's still in time-zone-limbo.

...and I need to get around to interviewing/replying to two replies for jobs. *crosses fingers* There's hope for me yet!

Until I'm back in Utah,


work, lj, stupid people, printers, hawaii, jobs

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