Elizabeth Scott Somthing Maybe contest

Apr 07, 2009 20:06

Want to win a star? Yes, a real star! Well, all you have to is enter Elizabeth Scott's Something">http://www.elizabethwrites.com/somethingmaybe.php">Something, Maybe Out Of This World contest!

Here's how you enter:

1. Buy a copy of Something">http://www.elizabethwrites.com/somethingmaybe.php">Something, Maybe, which is available at your favorite local bookstore and also at Wal-Mart and save the receipt.

2. Take a picture of the receipt and then send the picture to elizabethscottcontest@gmail.com

3. Once Elizabeth gets the picture of your receipt, you'll be entered into the Out Of This World contest!

Here are the prizes:

First Prize: A star (If you read the book, you'll know why this is the first prize, and not only will you get your very own star--you'll even get to name">https://www.starregistry.com/catalog/dspProduct.cfm?ProductId=1">name it, and it is your star FOREVER!)

Second Prize: Two people will each get a $25 gift certificate to the bookstore of their choice

Third Prize: Three people will a signed copy of any of Elizabeth's current novels--including the upcoming Love You Hate You Miss You

Again, all you have to do to enter is buy Something">http://www.elizabethwrites.com/somethingmaybe.ph[">Something, Maybe and send a picture of your receipt to elizabethscottcontest@gmail.com
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