It doesn't have to be that bad.

Mar 03, 2005 20:22

It seems, lately, that all the people around me are going through emotional struggles. Why is that? I dont know but what I'll say to you is Im sorry. I hate that my friends, my best friends, have to go through so much pain. Is it just because people hurt other people or is it just cuz we allow the hurt to get the best of us? Ive allowed the hurt to get the best of me too many times. yep, guilty. Things will get better if you just pray and trust. if you allow God to work. Now is the time to rely on your family and friends. To the two of you, you know who u are, who are struggling right now. I'll always be your shoulder to cry on. There's always a bright side to every story, to every struggle, to every sad heart. that bright side will come hopefully sooner than later but it will come-just b patient. some1 said patience is overrated..i dont think so. of course we dont like being patient for things we want or for relief of heartache or pain. this world makes us want for things now or yesterday. but in Romans 5:3-5 it says, We also have joy with our troubles, because we know that these troubles produce patience. And patience produces character, and character produces hope.And this hope will NEVER disappoint us, because God has poured out his love to fill our hearts. Have patience that brings hope. Hope that things will get better. My hope is that we can encourage one another instead of being cynical. Have strength and courage. look to the good things in life. while some things may be bad make the good things, the beautiful things stand out. thats all that matters in the end anyways isnt it? the beautiful things. the things we cherish. our comforts. like friends and family that love us. they love us even when we're sad or angry or whatever we may b, they're there. Whats more beautiful and more comforting than knowing that God is right there by our sides ready and willing to hear our prayers. or hope. hope for tomorrow and better days to come. dont ever stop looking to the bright side of things. The same person that said patience is overrated said nothing is real and that things are less beautiful or good when we're going through difficult times. why? to you who said that I'm sorry. Cant you see that what your going through is real. you can feel it cant you. the love that you feel everyday from yours friends,real. you can feel that too! It's just life and sometimes we have ups and sometimes downs,luckily we have God and loved ones to help us back up. Things dont have to b going perfectly for other things to b beautiful. Nothings ever perfect but the beauty around me keeps amazing me. Things arebautiful and real. or what would we live for,things that are ugly and fake? b optimistic. not cynical about life, about real life. not depressed, not torn, not sad. be beautiful and be real. What you guys are feeling is real so feel it but don't let it bring you down. There are so many things I want to say and i want so bady for you guys to feel hope and comfort and happiness. Things will get better, they always do. I like this from the song Undone by Mercy Me:
When I am overwhelmed
Holding pieces of my heart
When I feel my world
Start to fall apart

To the cross I run
Holding high my chains undone
Now I am finally free
Free to be what I've become

Even in defeat
The face of tragedy
Still you'd have to say that
I found victory
In brokenness comes beauty
Divine fragility
Reminding me of nail scarred hands
Reaching out for me

To the cross I run
Holding high my chains undone
Now I am finally free
Free to be what I've become

I love you guys. look for the beautiful things. they're there. never give up hope and never stop praying. Ill b praying for you too!
Love always and forever, Amy
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