Election 2012: All the Good Stuff

Nov 08, 2012 14:18

Originally published at Radio Free Tomorrow. Please leave any comments there.


Before we all get mired in the reality that the fiscal cliff still looms and the House of Representatives still has a majority that thinks taxing the rich is a bigger evil than bigotry, let’s take a look at all the things about this election that were awesome, from a progressive’s point of view. Because the list is actually suprisingly long. I think it’s premature to suggest that these results represent the turning of a tide, represents the increasing marginalization of ideologies that favor a single “master” constituency and its values (read: rich, white, Christian, heterosexual men). But it sure looks that way at first blush, don’t it?

Here’s the summary: a state with an all-woman congressional delegation; the US’ first openly gay congressperson; the first female disable combat vet in congress; gay marriage legalized in three states; gay marriage not made harder to legalize by constitutional amendment; voter ID defeated in several places; science and math triumphed over wishful thinking. Oh, and our inspirational yet rational, mixed-race, center-right President got re-elected in favor of a lily-white plutocrat!

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politics, dammit!

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