Oct 07, 2004 16:52
Yay for me I've had my first week of work and so far so good. I like Old Navy. Kinda sucks though cause they expect you to know what you have to do right away and don't give you much time to get the hang of things but I've caught on pretty quickly and enjoyed myself today. A lot in fact. Everyday has been pretty tiring and boring for me but today was cool. The other employees have accepted me I think. I had my 15 minute break with Sarah this one chick with two kids and she confided her issues with me which is cool. Had a smoke with a manager. I actually was included in today on the head sets in conversations and it was nice. People actually no how to say my name and others don't but it's cool. This girl Molly fucked it up and these two guys Carl and Jake corrected her so it made me feel good that at least they know my name. I was asked if I had came to a point where I wanted to cry because of the pressure they put on shipment crew in the morning. I said no and they laughed and said they would try harder. But yeah it was a good day. My friend Dean didn't show up so I was kinda at a loss without him. He started the job the same time at me so we kinda been hanging and exchanging Old Navy stories. Met up with Jeff at Chipotle and had luch with him and Traves. This girl came up to me and started talking to me and figured out I knew her from elementary school. It was weird cause I was just looking at the Johnson yearbook and commented that I knew her. Saw Rob and Joy there to that was cool. So today at class I'm sitting next to this Asian kid. He kept looking at me and I was thinking to myself that he was creeping me out. But we had our group time and we were in one together. He starts flirting with me and saying that if he won the lottery he would give me half. As class goes on he mentions that he too went to Duluth these last couple of years and just recently transferred. So we talked about that for awhile. He finally tells me that we had 3 classes together and he had a crush on me. I was like um ok wow that's weird. We talked about the classes we shared and why we transferred. So I notice he starts getting all nervous and finally he's like "Do you have a boyfriend?" and I was thinking oh no shit shit shit shit. So I let him down easily and he looked crushed and I felt bad. So we talked a little more but when class got out he practically ran. I feel bad. I hope he'll talk to me again cause he didn't seem that bad of a person. Oh wells. Well I should get going cause I needs to take a shower and then later on pick Traves up from work. Alrighty then Peace.