My troll is gone!

May 20, 2005 09:50

Nobody will probably know what that subject means unless they've listened to Jimmy Fallon. So today is the 20th and I am so off to California in T minus 180 minutes. Tonight myself, Minnie, and Mikeypoo are going to some party. Then tomorrow it is off to Las Vegas for a Chippendales show. Tee hee. I swear I just went to Vegas...oh wait....I did. Should be awesome though. Then Sunday or Monday were going to the beach and to Mexico. Bah. For some random reason my friends from work (Anne and Melissa) decided that they wanted to go to Duluth on Wednesday and I was to be brought along. We took some funny ass pictures all day. I had a lot of fun even though it rained like all day. During our time downtown people kept looking at Melissa's abyss (the massive cleavage that is so plainly obvious on that girls chest) so whenever someone stared I would scream "The Abyss!!!" it was great. Anne decided to buy us all eye patches with some pirate symbol on the front and we were all going to wear it on our trip to walmart but everyones broke except for mine so I was the only one wearing it. People kept staring and melissa screamed "It's not her fault she's blind!" It was funny. Okay well I gots to get going. Peace.

Whorefart out
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