So today is Traves' birthday. Which was started earlier this morning at midnight. Went to Billy's and The Wild Onion and yeah he drank a lot. I can't remember all he had and I'm pretty sure he can't remember it all either. It was a lot. All I know is that he had at least 5 shots of Dead Nazis. Crazy bastard. I was being a punk cause I was too worried about having to do my damn paper. But I got it done at like 4 something in the morning. But yeah Traves puked for like 45 minutes and drank a lot of water and finally went to bed. Fun shit. So tonight a whole gang of people are going to Hooters. A lot of people. My friend from work is coming to pick me up from school and we're driving out there. Tonight is going to be fun as shit. That's right shit can be fun. So I got hammered last weekend with some of my peeps from work and that was crazy. They're whore whores but good people. I had an awesome time. Then Duf being the good friend that he is picked my drunk ass up. I think I may go out with some of them this weekend. Who knows. But yeah I am at school and just ate my lunch that Traves' mom made for me. It was damn good. Alright I need to print my paper and dink around on the internet for a bit before my 6pm class.
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