Oct 19, 2004 12:17
Wonderful news:
My cousin, Jennifer, only 3 years younger than moi, just moved here to Chicago to live. FOREVER! Another one of my most favorite people in the entire universe. She's sassy molassy, gorgeous, intelligent, hilarious, and probably the sweetest girl ever. She's the type of person you wish you could be, that you want to fix up with everyone, yet at the same time don't think anyone is ever good enough for her. I wish I knew more people so she could have a roommate and get started on her brand new life, post-college-haste.
Over the weekend, friends came over for a Troll & Troll 2 fest. The first one starred Michael Moriarty, Shelly Hack, June Lockhart and Noah Hathaway (Atreyu from The Neverending Story ); the second a Tim Tomerson lookalike and the worst-acting ensemble I've ever been witness to and that's saying something considering I'm a former Full Moon Productions (Dollman Vs. Demonic Toys, Puppetmaster, etc.) junkie. I totally called the scene where the kid pisses all over dinner for fear that his family will turn into goblins. Yes, total brilliance. It was such fun to have people over to cackle over badness on the television.
Bad news:
I woke up around 3 a.m. after the mini-party and was in incredible pain. I was in the bathroom for an hour and to the point where I didn't know whether or not to lie on the bathroom floor or the dining room floor where I had room to roll around in agony. Hot flashes, blinding abdominal pain, vomiting, etc. I was weak for the rest of the weekend and even called off work yesterday and didn't go to my evening class, something I haven't done in a long time. I still feel weak today and have even received comments like "Are you dead?" and "You look like you're ready to faint." Awesome. Class tonight. Mat's band, The Arks are playing at the Double Door for the very first time. Something tells me that I need to find a G.P. before it gets too serious.
And I hope that I feel up to a friend's wedding this weekend in Wisconsin.