Feb 05, 2007 11:03
I had to pop in & write something down- mainly for my own benefit (lest I forget it or make light of it in the future).
1994ish. I had these dreams for about a month or so. Horrible. I was in a building w/ other people- sort of a business or school looking type place. There were 2 or 3 square windows. There were tables or desks- but the room was pretty much empty except for that. Men came in w/ guns. They shot and bludgeoned us. I was still alive under a couple dead bodies. I remember thinking to myself not to breath heavily or make any movement- otherwise they would kill me. I stayed that way for hours- maybe a whole day. I kept willing myself to be completely still and quiet. I was terrified. I imagined escaping if I could only stay still long enough to be sure the men had gone.
This morning I saw some very disturbing information about the 100day genocide in Rwanda that occurred in 1994. I had heard of Rwanda as a dangerous place, but no earlier than last year or so. I felt very connected to what I was seeing. Is it possible that my dream was of something very real? There were survivors giving testimony of their experience. I just felt like my dream (which I hadn't remembered until that moment) was somehow connected to this awful reality.
It just makes you think...we are really connected to each other. Don't ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.