what's my deal?

May 21, 2005 00:50

It's Friday night. I have one thing left to do until it's summer, and for some reason I'm having so much trouble getting it done. I haven't had troubly writing a paper like this since high school. I just d o n ' t want to keep writting. So many other people are finished, and I want to be too. The problem is that this teacher has pissed the hell out of me this semester and i just don't feel compelled to keep going. And it's a goddamn 15 pager. I'm at 6 pages already. Isn't that enough??

I don't know. I'm just having such problem getting into my groove. Maybe it's the fact that I only got 5 hours of sleep last night? Maybe it's that I've tried to work in big computer labs and with friends who are all very distracting and i set myself up from the get-go to be in a procrastinating mood, and now it's late and i can't get out of it. But I can. i just need to find it, somewhere.

The other thing is the dance piece I performed in is performing again tomorrow night at the Ohio Statewide Dance Festival. I'm nervous to dance given that a) I won't have slept much, and b) my body is one big knot from finals. I think my neck is an inch shorter than normal.

Oh, i just want to get this done tonight before i sleep so that i can wake up tomorrow, edit it, and put it under his goddamn door and never see him again. That was harsh -he's actually a really nice man, and knows his shit, he's just a shitty shitty teacher who is very unclear about everything, including his requirements. I need to separate him from this paper, he is not the problem here.

I can't wait to be home.

Also, I have a crush on someone. And he's gay. Though i also heard he might be bi. If not, I'm hoping I might be able to convert him, though at the moment, I am feeling less than attractive.
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