(no subject)

Dec 06, 2010 05:04

FYI, last time I took this survey was about 5 years ago...lolz.

How old were you?: 19

Where did you go to school?: VT

Where did you work?: Probably fuckin VT

Where did you live?: My house.

Where did you hang out?: my house

How was your hair style?: Probably a little short, probably dyed some hideous color (ah...).

Did you wear braces?: no (hah).

Did you wear glasses?: no

Who was your best friend?: Andrew.

Who was your regular-person crush?: I don't even know what that means. <==old answer. Same now.

How many tattoos did you have?: 3? 2?

How many piercings did you have?: 0

What car did you drive?: My mom's Aerostar. Ah.

What was your favorite band/group/: Freezepop.

What was your worst fear?: I don't know, losing the international channel? Which sadly happened.
My original answer there really made me chuckle. My worst fear then was probably something about my grades.

Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: Yeah.

Had you gotten drunk?: no

Had you driven yet?: Yes.
Had you been to a real party yet?: Maybe? I wasn't missing much.

Had your heart broken? no


December, 2010
(this is getting confusing)

How old are you?: 124

What grade are you in?: 20th?

Where do you go to school?: Johns Hopkins.

Where do you work?: Hopefully CVS. (Really? Well now I "work" at JHU)

Where do you live?: Blatimore

Where do you hang out?: Not my house anymore! I am an adult who does adult things: I now hang out at my apartment.

How is your hair style?: Short!

Do you have braces?: no (hah)

Do you wear glasses?: no

Who are your best friends?: I hope still Andrew.

Still talk to any of your old friends: Not really. That sucks and is my fault.

Who is your regular-person crush? Five years later I still don't have a clue as to what that means. <==Original answer. Hah!

How many piercings do you have?: still 0

How many tattoos?: 3 <==Original answer (so I guessed that one right)

What kind of car do you have: No car!

What is your favorite band/group/: I like alot of bands. <==Original answer I'll keep that one.

What is your worst fear?: Something about research? Dying?

Have you smoked a cigarette?: yes

Have you gotten drunk?: Maybe a teensy little bit?

Had your heart broken? no.

New (old) survey. Hopefully less confusing than the other one.

x ] Spell your first name backwards - leinad
[ x ] The story behind your lj user name - Ugh, I rented a belly dancing tape from the library, and it became a joke.
[ x ] Are you a lesbian/homosexual - If I must.
[ x ] Where do you live - Blatimore MD
[ x ] 4 words that sum you up - You be dead! MEDIC!

[ x ] Wallet - Black cloth. It is disintegrating.
[ x ] Hairbrush - none.
[ x ] Toothbrush - nondescript.
[ x ] Jewelry worn daily - None.
[ x ] Pillow cover -I'm not sure I have one.
[ x ] Blanket - Om. <==Original answer Holy shit I miss the Om blanket! That thing kicked fucking ass! Uh, I have a few blankets now. They don't kick as much ass.
[ x ] Coffee cup - Fuck coffee. However I do have several rooster mugs.
[ x ] Sunglasses - None. Sunglasses are for arrogant fascists. <==Original answer hah. Sorry John.
[ x ] Underwear - Briefs, colored briefs because they make me feel special. <==Original answer eerily the same.
[ x ] Shoes - Expensive running shoes. Somehow I feel I'm missing the point of them...
[ x ] Favorite top - I have this plain black shirt that always makes me feel special. <==Original answer Man I miss that shirt. My periodic table shirt is my fave at the moment.
[ x ] Cologne/Perfume - AXE deodorant. Still makes me feel like a bad person. I smell great though.
[ x ] CD in stereo right now - CD? Hah. Rammstein recently.
[ x ] Tattoos - Swan on my right arm, sparrow on my left, benzene on my wrist. and a d orbital.
[ x ] Piercings - none.
[ x ] What you are wearing now - Carpenter Jeans, "Hand-me-down" NIN shirt from william, and grey underwear. I am special. Grey is a color! <==Original answer That just amused me. Ratty blue jeans, nice AE T-shirt, and white briefs. Lame.
[ x ] Hair -Just brown.
[ x ] Makeup - Nothing.

WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)
[ x ] In my mouth - tongue and teeth. And germs and stuff. <==Original answer and I guess a few more fillings.
[ x ] In my head - Thoughts. And germs and stuff.
[ x ] Wishing - If wishes were fishes then something something. <==Original answer HAHAHAHAHA I have been trying to remember what this saying was for fucking years, and apparently I didn't even know then! I looked it up, and then perverted the original I think. But NOW I say: If fishes were wishes then I'd be wishin for fishes. Maybe....
[ x ] After this - Go to fucking sleep.
[ x ] Talking to - No one.
[ x ] Eating - Crap.
[ x ] Fetishes - Control. Just the thought of someone being completely unable to stop you from fucking the shit out of them. Like, having them nailed to the floor, and the only way they can get away from you is to tear their hands off the floor. Sort of like Saw, except I'm totally raping someone in this version. Then again I didn't see Saw (too squeamish) so maybe I get laid in that one too. <==Original answer Uh. I don't know what happened there.
[ x ] If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who would it be? - Probably my rape/love victim. I don't want to get in trouble for raping them. <==Original answer Ah, I see.
[ x ] Person you wish you could see right now - Kazam.
[ x ] Is next to you - Sadly, Oreos.
[ x ] Some of your favorite movies - I will list only one: Debs <==Original answer I'll keep that.
[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month - Xmas I suppose.
[ x ] The last thing you ate - Sadly, Oreos.
[ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of - Death? Cockroaches too.
[ x ] Do you like candles - Sort of?
[ x ] Do you like hot wax - When it's being poured on my helpless sex slave/fluid vessel. <==Original answer You know I sort of do now. I like to play with the wax in candles until John yells at me.
[ x ] Do you like incense - I used to.
[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood - not really.
[ x ] Do you believe in love - yes
[ x ] Do you believe in soul mates - I think so. <==Original answer No.
[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight - I think it can happen. <==Original answer Uh, I guess.
[ x ] Do you believe in Heaven - um, not really.
[ x ] Do you believe in forgiveness - Yeah.
[ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die - I want to be dissected, and then all of my parts can be thrown at girls to freak them out. <==Original answer Still into that.
[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be - I suppose fancy roosters.
[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up - All night. It sucked.
[ x ] Ever been to Belgium - nope
[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks - not at all.
[ x ] What's your favorite coin -Man fuck coins.
[ x ] What are 3 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to - Austin, D.C., Salt lake city <==Original answer What?
[ x ] What are some of your favorite pig out foods - Sadly, not oreos. I'm just not that into the,
[ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand - Roosters.
[ x ] What's something you wish you could understand better - I'm gonna say roosters.
[ x ] Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time - Kazam <==Original answer
[ x ] What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow - Be able to function on such little sleep.
[ x ] my father thinks i am: An OK guy it would seem.
[ x ] my mother thinks i am: Fucking Jesus the Christ.
[ x ] my siblings think i am: I like to think Lisa thinks pretty highly of me.
[ x ] my grandma thinks i am: Unable to use a phone?
[ x ] my boyfriend/girlfriend thinks I am - Retarded?
[ x ] your three best qualities = I am funny, I am laidback (no really), and I hate almost everyone. <==Original answer Sticking with those actually.
[ x ] three worst qualities = I talk too much, I can't make eye contact, I can't get motivated.
[ x ] three things you are often complimented for = funny, and that is only occasionally. usually it is expressed as "Shut up daniel I hate you." well, that's how allie puts it anyway. I have been called smart recently but usually it has been phrased "You are such a huge nerd." I am apparently a good lover but it is usually phrased to me as "Please stop doing this please stop, OH GOD NOT THE WAX" <==Original answer Hah. Sometimes I really love myself.
[ x ] you get embarrassed when = I don't get embarassed a whole lot anymore actually. <==Original answer Really? Good for me. I get embarrassed all the time now.
[ x ] makes you happy = Roosters, bugs, chemistry.
[ x ] upsets you = people who park at the end of my street. GRRRR. <==Original answer Hah.
[ x ] you keep a diary = livejournal <==Original answer Not really anymore...
[ x ] you like to cook = Nein.
[ x ] you have a secret you have not shared with anyone = I'm gonna go out on a limb and say yes. <==Original answer hah.
[ x ] you fold your underwear = no.
[ x ] you talk in your sleep = I hope not.
[ x ] you bite your fingernails = no.
[ x ] you believe in love = yes
[ x ] movie you rented = The Good the bad and the ugly.
[ x ] movie you bought = Not sure...
[ x ] song you listened to = It'll All Work Out--Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. On loop. For 2 hours.
[ x ] song you've downloaded = SOme rammstein?
[ x ] CD you listened to prior to the current one = Probably Rammstein. They have been the music du jour around here recently.
[ x ] person you've called = Probably the apartment.
[ x ] person that's called you = ORBITRON <==Original answer ?
[ x ] TV show you've watched = The Office.
[ x ] you wish you could live somewhere else = Sometimes
[ x ] others find you attractive = Maybe? I could be uglier.
[ x ] you want more piercings = I sometimes do. <==Original answer Not anymore...
[ x ] you want more tattoos = Oh HELLS yeah! <==Original answer Oh HELLS YEAH.
[ x ] you drink = no
[ x ] you do drugs = no
[ x ] you like cleaning = No, not anymore.
[ x ] you like roller coasters = YES
[ x ] you write in cursive or print = Print. Or a combination. <==Original answer Does it really matter?
[ x ] you carry a donor card = My liscense says I'm an organ donor. <==Original answer License was ruff word for me.

have you...
[ x ] ever cried over a boy/girl = Several times in fact.
[ x ] ever lied to someone = yes
[ x ] ever been in a fist fight = I will someday, I can assure you that. <==Original answer I don't know if that's true.
[ x ] ever been arrested = not yet.

That was fun.
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