Jul 07, 2011 20:49
I'm really crap at being an adult. I want to see into the future so I know what will happen and what I need to do to get there...or not. Everything is so uncertain now with work and everything. I really expected to have things more figured out by now.
I really don't want to use the term "quarter-life crisis" but it kind of describes how I'm feeling now. It doesn't help that I can look back at the last 5-10 years and think I should have done X when I did Y etc. I know hindsight is a great thing and you don't know how things would've worked out anyway, but it worries me that I'll make the wrong decision again.
I keep meaning to update but it just ends up like the rambling above, which isn't very entertaining, I know. Either that or ranting about how Cameron is leading the country to ruin. People used to annoy me when they said things like that, I thought they were being over-dramatic but when a government that is cutting public spending, losing jobs and services considers outsourcing yet more jobs to another country you really have to wonder. The Evening Chronicle jobs section, which a few years ago advertised 1500-2000 job vacancies in the North East, today had 160 jobs advertised. I didn't have massive aspirations of becoming mega-rich, but I wanted to own my own house and have enough money to live day-to-day, but that's looking less and less likely. Things just seem quite bleak right now for so many people.
Yeah...see why I never update?