Public Transport + Social Networking = Numerous Examples of Stupidity

May 05, 2011 21:09

I frequented Go North East's Facebook page during the Winter when there was so much disruption caused by the snow. The staff were actually really good at updating about what buses were on/off, what conditions were like etc., which stopped me getting stranded and waiting for a bus that was never going to turn up. In fact, it was in a car that I almost became stranded on Fellside Road (thank god for the warmer weather!)

Now, though...I just look because it's funny. It really shows how stupid and illiterate people are. If it's not the same people asking hour after hour when particular services run (here's a clue: check the timetable!), or complaining about buses being late during rush hour in Newcastle then it's someone wondering why they ordered a monthly pass during a Bank holiday weekend and are annoyed because it hadn't turned up before Wednesday (how can people not know that, even if the customer service staff worked 24/7 every day of the year, there is still no post on Sundays or Bank holidays?!)

Best comment today though: "Do I need a full driving licence to become a bus driver?"


I would really drive my car to work, despite the shortage of parking, if it wasn't for the New Internationalist's recent issued about climate change. I cannot ethically justify making the journey to and from work with only me in the car when there is a direct bus running from almost my front door to my work. However, I am currently looking at house/flat shares within walking distance, which would solve the problem and give me more exercise. The only problem is there aren't many areas within walking distance of work that I would want to live.

home, bus journeys

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