May 29, 2005 10:02
i cried on the floor of the bathroom
and i slamed all the doors
how could you do this this to me i cried
then i was mad
i got dressed
made myself up as well as i could
left the house with my head high
on the way to were i knew you were not
and then they called
i collapsed onto the floor
they told me that you were ok
and that i could not see you
i could not talk to
i have to wait
three days.
i wanted to talk to someone
but didnt want to talk to anyone i knew
i drove strait
didnt stop just kept going
i lied in the field and cried
i cried about all the things that we wouldnt do
all the things that i wanted
i stopped
drove back
two days.
i run the lines over in my head
i try to organize my mangled thoughts
i need to tell you everything
you need to kno
you need to kno that you only made me happy
and that you never hurt me
you need to kno that i will not give up on you
and i kno you love me
the tears dont stop
i hope you listen
i hope you stay
i hope that you dont leave me
and i hope that i stay alive
while you r gone
one more day_____________ till you