The evolution of a DOLL

Jan 29, 2004 21:01

The eveloution of a doll was a play i saw last year on my birthday.. it was amazeing .. the basic errie idea is that she (the doll) began as a rag doll and evolved into a marrionette till the end when she was eletronic.
the more mechanical she came (the more blood) the more painful it was for her...and her little doll heart.( all while rasputina played in the back ground)

I do not feel i am evolveing at all .. i am going backwords.. i will never even make it to marionette.. i am a paper doll something that gets thrown away when your done.
never has it been thought.. what about my little paper doll heart..does it not ache or bleed.

Someone took the time to cut me out.. to secure the paper clothing to me.. but alas im only paper and there fore disposable..
The new dolls are so much better ,they come with more to offer .

I think my paperdoll heart has been broken..and the night isnt even over yet.

when its all over can i be burried in a ginger bread cemetery ..

~im so sad~
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