Aug 04, 2010 19:25
I have very few places to rant anonymously about things that happen with my life and with people I know. Kinda sucks that you can't escape through the internet as well anymore.
Anyway, prop 8 was overturned, yippee. I was following the case as it was developing and found the marriage "protection" side laughable, honestly. But then I've got quite a bias in the first place. So yeah. But I'm on facebook and I see this acquaintance of mine had made a post whining about how "majority vote doesn't matter" because of this case. Um, excuse me? The majority of people in America used to think that any race other than white was not even worthy to SIT next to. Legislation discriminating against them was overturned despite "majority rule" then!
Now it is hardly different. Defining 'male' and 'female' under the law is going to fuck over a lot of people, mentally. I don't even want to think about how they were supposed to deal with transgender and transsexual persons if that law held true. And then there's this wank about protecting the 'sanctity' of marriage. That idea is a sham anyway in today's society. You want to "protect" marriage? Go after the people marrying for money, convenience, benefits, and other less than romantic or morally pleasing reasons. There is a religious aspect that should be dealt with in the appropriate churches, and the churches ONLY. I was disgusted when I saw the signs for "Yes on 8" sticking up all over the grounds in front of the church I used to attend. "Separation of church and state MY ASS," is what I thought up seeing that.
But really, it's wrong to uphold a law like prop 8 for all the sense that the arguments behind it DON'T make. So don't fucking cry about how the voice of the majority "doesn't mean anything". The voices of minorities are not to be crushed and ignored just so the majority can have some kind of terrible rule over everyone with less man power. Sometimes the little guy is right, after all.
I'm pretty sure I ended up rambling rather than making a decent point here, but I just wanted to rant for a bit. It just pisses me off that after all this time and after all of this debating over WHY same sex marriage should be legalized that people just turn around, cover their ears, and whine about how they don't get a say in anything anymore. Go crawl back to the rock you were raised under, please.
prop 8