Babies, Babies, and Babies.......

Aug 22, 2007 19:20

Okay....So I know that I am only 24 but I swear every one I know is pregnant. I know that I need to finish school and wait for Chris to come home first.  Now Chris being home is the main problem. Him being deployed makes it hard to have babies.  I know that most my first would say to wait. (i.e. Carolina) But I really want kids. I know I can wait. It just makes me upset that so many people are having kids. Some of them should not be. I just really want to be a mother. Is that so wrong? I know people that have 3 kids by now. I am not saying I want 3 kids right now. I just want one. I swear everywhere I go it is pregnancy heaven. All my friends are pregnant.  Yes I know not all are but most.  I guess I will have to wait and see. Chris and I want to to start trying when he gets back and I am out of school. So I have about 18 months to go. Oh well.


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