title: The Leftovers
universe: Die Young & Sell Your Soul
characters: C.C. Howlett, Flynn Gallagher, Alex Delmar
word count: 2098
author's note: Written for week 4 of the
brigits_flame allstars contest. The prompt was "Vestige." This was an obvious choice to fit the prompt, and hopefully it comes across properly. Usually, I'd write something explanatory up
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Poor C.C. selling her soul for pizza. I hope, in the least, it was delicious!
Humans without souls is an interesting subject. Especially since you consider what makes a human, human. So this new breed of "not human" species has the potential to be extremely intriguing.
I so want to diatribe about my malakhim series because I had a similar problem with the entire light vs. dark concept. I found that if I took one character from each side and penned their wants/needs, I could figure out a basis for the "species." For me, it was the difference between light/dark creatures (Lysanias vs. Mecherath, for instance).
Maybe it's a demon's beliefs or how they were created/what they're made of (their genealogy) that makes them who they are. For instance, if there are demons - who/what is their foil? Their opposite? I find thinking about balance helps me flesh things out.
Maybe it has something to do with their obsession for control?
I hope inspiration strikes you! If you are ever up for brainstorming sessions, you know where to find me. :3
And re: malakhim, go, go! Diatribe! I too enjoy hearing writers talk about how they devised their ideas. :)
It's definitely a very difficult thing to figure out those big-concept items, but once you get 'em down, everything's pretty easy afterwards. I've had little insights of inspiration every now and again so I'm sort of not concentrating on it, because Murmur's motives and species aren't going to be important for a little later, and I hope if I don't concentrate too hard on it, it'll come to me.
The few things I really truly know about the demons now are that they're not "diabolical" creatures like Christianity treats them. They're just ... creatures without souls, and therefore without consciences. They are also just creatures, and though they are ultra-powerful, they have nothing to do with god/angels, because those two things don't exist in this universe. It's possible demons are from another plane, and some have gotten stuck here, or are here for a specific reason. I know that they use human souls for some reason, and I have a tiny grasp on what that might be but it's sort of eluding me ... I'm hoping that'll become clearer as I write. Maybe.
I also hope inspiration strikes -- probably within the next few days I'll start pondering my entry for this week, so if I get any nebulous ideas that need ... solidifying, so to speak, I'll hit you up. :D And feel free to do the same here, of course!
I will probably splurge leaks and things for my trubies one day. I love outlining things that are important and then flouncing away while people are dumbstruck. Like, "no, no, that was a tease. Now suffer!"
I don't know if this is true for you, but I find that things somehow fall into place later in writing. There will be no future plans and then, things just slide into place. I always thank my creativity because I'm like 'subconscious badassery.'
Murmur! What a delightful name for a demon. :)
Play with the dynamic until the cows come home. Inverting the supposed/widespread belief of things is so much fun. It makes the reader work 10x as hard. I love it.
So basically, the demons are animal-like, instinct? Neither good nor evil, just existing. Hmm, this could get very interesting if you look into the psychology of things.
Go inspiration, go! & yayayayay. Will do. :D
Yeah, I think there are some things that are really important to know, but if you try too hard to figure them out, you won't figure it out. I think I need to put things on the back burner in terms of figuring out stuff about demons, and it'll come to me eventually when I'm least expecting it to.
And yes! Murmur's the name of a Christian demon, actually -- a very minor one. :)
Yaaaay inspirationnnnnn. *hopes it comes* :)
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