Character(s): Ironhide, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Wheeljack, Mirage, Jazz, Prowl, Red Alert, Julie Dyus [npc], Alexander Terius [npc]
Pairing(s): Ironhide/Ratchet
Location: Olympus, outside the indoor pool
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): Some language, hints of slash
Summary: Time for a summer barbecue!
Hope everyone is hungry. )
His bowl of tomato cucumber salad - marked with a tag that says people might find it a little spicy - sits alone on a table where others can put their contributions to the feast.
He reaches into one of the coolers and pulls out a Guinness for Ron and a standard beer for himself, looking remarkably relaxed. He's wearing khaki shorts and a matching t-shirt - someone had better take photos to commemorate the occasion.
"I'm going to be too drunk to kick anyone's backside if I have to take care of all this beer personally," he laughs.
"C-could someone give this thing a pull?" asks Jackie, pushing the monstrosity along.
Probably because it's about twice the size of the store-bought grill.
"And twice as fast, too! Seriously, you could probably grill an entire turkey on here in under half an hour!" Granted, the turkey would also probably be burnt to a crisp, but who would ever test that out?
As she was providing ice cream, she thought it best to leave it in the freezer to be retrieved later.
"Should be fun to test it out, huh?"
Glancing over the drinks, she took one of the canned sodas and made her way towards Jackie's creation, studying it with a small smile.
"Looks good, at any rate. What do you guys think?"
"I know chips and steak don't exactly go together, but I figured they'd be good to snack on while we waited! Oh! And there are potatoes baking in the oven inside," she said before stepping warily around Jackie's grill on her way to the drinks.
Jackie's contraption catches his eye, and he exclaims, "Cha! What is dat?!"
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