Character(s): Perceptor, Starscream
Pairing(s): Hints of one-sided Perceptor/Wheeljack and one-sided Starscream/Perceptor
Location: Local menswear shop
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Flirting?
Summary: Christophe and Percival meet for the first time!
Perceptor: Percival is browsing through one of the local menswear stores for new shirts, so far unimpressed with the selection. He's picky about his clothing, always has been, and sighing, he moves to the other side of the store, hoping to find /something/ that catches his eye.
Starscream: For once, Chris managed to avoid the sweaters, looking instead for something that might not result in relentless tormenting. Gaze settled upon something with short sleeves, he caught a small movement out of the corner of his eye, glancing up to spot Percival. Blinking, he idly watched him as he moved, a thoughtful expression coming onto his face.
Perceptor: Frowning, Percival holds up a short-sleeved, pale blue shirt, then sets it down; no, the sleeve style doesn't quite sit right with him. He doesn't notice the other man looking at him, engrossed in his searching.
Starscream: Chris hesitated a moment before finally drawing closer to him, finally coming to a stop right beside him. "Having trouble?" he prompted, knowing he could relate. Clothes weren't the easiest thing for him to buy. As loathe as he was to admit it, Bea's help in that department had been invaluable.
Perceptor: Percival starts at the voice, blinking at the man and stammering, "Er, yes, I...I'm afraid I am simply too picky when it comes to selecting clothing." The accent catches his attention, and he regards Chris curiously, "You are...French?"
Starscream: He offered him a faint, almost reassuring smile. "I'm just not particularly good at it." he offered. "As I've been told several times now." The comment about his accent led him to nod. "I am. I take it that you're from somewhere near there. England? Or am I off?"
Perceptor: "Wales, actually," Percival smiles. "I am rather new to the area; it is...nice to meet someone that is not native to this country." He chuckles slightly and holds out his hand, "My name is Percival."
Starscream: "A rarity, given the area." he replied. "There don't seem to be many people around in general." Smile widening at the chuckle, he took his hand, holding it a touch longer than was necessary. "I'm Christophe. Perhaps we could help one another out as far as clothing's concerned?"
Perceptor: Percival doesn't notice the longetivity of the handshake, nodding, "That sounds excellent! I always did prefer company while shopping."
Starscream: "Is that right?" he prompted. Turning his gaze back to the shirt that he'd been looking at, he continued to speak to him. "I take it that you live around here, then? Anywhere in particular?"
Perceptor: "Just west of Tranquility, near the mountains. It is quite beautiful in that area," Percival smiles, wandering over to a nearby table and studying a white shirt.
Starscream: "Is that so?" he prompted, trailing after him now. "I used to live out that way. Do you work out there as well or do you commute?" Seeing the white shirt, he picked it up before holding it against Percival's front, fingertips resting lightly on the other man's shoulders. "I think you look better without it." he commented.
Perceptor: Percival furrows his brow slightly at the choice of words, but chalks it up to a simple English mistake and takes the shirt from Chris, "It is...not quite what I am looking for."
Starscream: He nodded and let him take it from him. "Maybe something that might match your eyes? I've been told that that's a good strategy, at any rate." Reaching up, he took his chin in hand, tilting his face towards him so that he could study them.
Perceptor: Hesitantly, Percival pulls away slightly, starting to feel a little uncomfortable, "Y-yes, I have heard that as well." Was Chris.../flirting/ with him?
Starscream: Taking note of his reaction, Chris took a step back. giving him a little more space. "Do you think they have any that match yours here?" Turning away from him, he hoped to let his comfort level build back up again.
Perceptor: "I am sure I could find something; blue is a fairly common color," Percival shakes his head slightly. Maybe he was wrong, and it was a cultural misunderstanding? He's doubtful, but he keeps the possibiliy in his mind. "Oh! I didn't answer your previous question. I am a metallurgist and chemist at Olympus, the research facility."
Starscream: "...Olympus?" he prompted, turning back to him. "Isn't that where they study plankton or something like that? Or is that the wrong place?" For now, he tried to keep his expression and voice neutral.
Perceptor: "Y-yes. Plankton. I was offered lodgings and full funding to relocate and assist with their research," Percival smiles, looking at the shirt in his hands. "...for lack of a better choice and a need for new clothing, I suppose this will have to do."
Starscream: "Is that so? Someone's awfully concerned with plankton, then." he commented. Glancing to the shirt, he nodded. "It looks fine. How have you managed to find enough clothing if you're so picky?"
Perceptor: Percival shrugs, "There was a shoppe in Cardiff I frequented." He picks out a few more shirts, light blues and another white, "I have a double doctorate, and though I prefer metallurgy, the facility was in some need of an experienced chemist."
Starscream: Chris nodded slowly, gaze washing over the shirts that he had selected. "I have a doctorate in psychology." he commented. "I'm a professor at one of the nearby universities." If there were any nearby universities. "It seems as though you've found your niche there, doesn't it?"
Perceptor: "I thought the closest university was two hours away; I am still new to the area, though..." Percival laughs. "I have been enjoying it immensely. One of the other scientists and I, we have been working together virtually nonstop on one of her latest projects. Were you looking for shirts as well, or something else?" If one were perceptive, they would notice a small smile on his face at the mention of the woman.
Starscream: Chris felt he had an idea of who he was talking about, although he didn't want to jump to conclusions. Noting the smile though, he tried to ignore the sudden wave of annoyance that washed over him. "Is that so?" he prompted. "What have you been working on recently?" He ignored the question about clothing for now.
Perceptor: "The production of carboxylic acids by the hydrolysis of triglycerides present in the flora of plankton," Percival supplies, with only a slight delay.
Starscream: "I'm sure." he commented, not bothering to sound convincing with it. Tilting his head to the side, he regarded him a moment before finally asking, "What's your codename, Autobot?"
Perceptor: Percival's eyes widen, and he stammers, "P-Perceptor...I take it you aren't really a professor. Who are you, then?" He's got a really bad feeling about this now; very slowly, he takes a step backwards.
Starscream: "I used to be." he replied, crossing his arms as he sent him an appraising look. "Starscream." he replied, flashing a humorless smile at him. "You look worried now."
Perceptor: "...are you one of the...Decepticons? I haven't seen you at Olympus, and your name, I've heard it before," Perceptor straightens up a little, trying to look more brave than he currently felt.
Starscream: "Is that a problem?" he prompted, voice cool. "I take it that you've undergone the process, then? What abilities did it leave you with?" He took a step towards him.
Perceptor: Gulping slightly, Percival holds his ground and keeps his voice quiet, conscious of other patrons in the store, "I have, yes, and I'm afraid I can't tell you my ability."
Starscream: "Why is that?" he prompted, taking another slow step forward. "And you do realize that the Decepticons aren't nearly as bad as Sector Seven makes them out to be, don't you?"
Perceptor: "You have /killed/ people," Percival tightens his grip on the shirts in his hands. "I-if you knew what I can do, you would also be able to deduce any weakness it might provide me. I'm sure you won't reveal yours for the same reasons..."
Starscream: "Sector Seven has killed people. The government has killed people. Police have killed people." he replied with a small shrug. "Personally, I've killed no one. If you think that Sector Seven is as untainted as you're trying to make it out to be, you need to think again."
Perceptor: "Yes, but your fellows have killed while committing /theft/," Percival's voice rises slightly, and he quickly looks around to see if any civilians might have heard him.
Starscream: "Sector Seven has held some of your own against their will." he replied. "And they've never exactly been completely honest, now have they? How do you know that they haven't done the exact same thing?"
Perceptor: Percival looks troubled for a moment, then looks Chris in the eyes, "You are a psychologist; you're trying to turn me against the Autobots." He raises his chin slightly, "I won't fall for your mind games."
Starscream: "I don't need to play mind games as far as Sector Seven is concerned." he replied. "Why don't you ask some of the DINOBOTs how Sector Seven has treated them thus far? They're in your faction, aren't they. You can trust them, can't you?"
Perceptor: "They were also unstable. One of them, the woman that you /kidnapped/, went quite crazy and /attacked/ three of us; one of them was seriously injured," Percival counters with a glare.
Starscream: "Let me ask you another question, then." he replied, holding his hands out, almost as though he were surrendering. "Do I seem like the type of person that you should worry about?"
Perceptor: "Looks can be deceiving," Percival points out, giving Christophe a wary look. "You are a /psychologist/, you know how to read and manipulate others, and I /will not/ drop my guard around you."
Starscream: "So you're warping me into some sort of evil scientist?" he prompted, giving a soft laugh. "I think you have me confused with someone else. And at the very least, consider it. I won't try to force your hand either way. I'm not like Sector Seven."
Perceptor: Percival quirks an eyebrow and comments dryly, "You will have to forgive my not trusting a member of an organization that /opposes/ mine."
Starscream: "I used to be a member of your organization." he replied. "And then I realized what it stood for." He paused, gaining a thoughtful look. "Would you be interested in getting anything to eat? I think that we have a few things we could discuss."
Perceptor: "I am going to have to decline your offer," Percival answers, taking a step towards the register area. "Not only am I not attracted to men, but I won't give you any more information that you can use against me or the Autobots."
Starscream: Chris went a dark shade of red. "What makes you think that there is any attraction?!" he demanded. "As for information about the Autobots, I was going to give you the opportunity to ask me about the Decepticons!"
Perceptor: Percival notes the blush on Chris' face, the reaction only confirming his suspicions, "I have been told that I am oblivious to advances made on myself, and I don't have much room to speak, but you have /quite/ a few things to learn about subtle flirting." He turns and heads for the nearest register, not wanting to continue this conversation.
Starscream: Fists clenching at his sides, Chris sent him a dark look. "I was not flirting with you." he snapped. "I'm straight!" He was whatever sexuality the situation required, at any rate. "And you seem to have quite a few things to learn about the people you work for!"
Perceptor: Ignoring Christophe, Percival pays for his new shirts and leaves the store, letting out a breath when he climbs into the driver seat of his car. /That/ was certainly interesting.
Starscream: Chris glared after him, but didn't head after. With any luck, Sector Seven would screw up again and he wouldn't need to be the one following him. Or perhaps he'd at least managed to plant the seed of doubt for now.