Character(s): Bea, Jazz, Red, Sam, OPEN
Pairing(s); Sam/Bea
Location: Olympus
Rating: PG13+
Warning(s); None (yet)
Summary: Now that Sam is clued in on Bea's involvement with Sector Seven, she brings him back to base for "safety" and to be properly filled in on this newfound information.
After getting Sam and herself safely out of the theater's parking lot, Bea dug her phone out of her purse. Though she was tempted to simply show up at the base with Sam in tow, something told her that probably wasn't the best decision. Chances were she would already be hearing more than she cared to about letting Sam find out at all; she didn't need to anything else to that potential lecture.
"I'm gonna call ahead so they know I'm bringing you. The head of security doesn't really, surprises," she explained, glancing down at her phone and bringing up Red's number.
She liked Red, she really did, but Bea did not want to make this call.