So, remember how I said my neck hurt last week? Well, it still does. It was almost gone yesterday, so I think I got overconfident and was lifting shit at work that I shouldn't have, so now it's back with a vengeance. They sent me home from work today because I'm basically useless. I stopped at Rite Aid on the way home and bought some heatwraps and some TigerBalm. It's already starting to feel better.
I'm at Tommy's, per usual. Dom's computer is here, so I'm utilizing it in all my invalid-ness.
Went to see his show last night. He's Darry in "The Outsiders." See?
He's the one on the left in the white shirt. The show was good, but Tommy wasn't even my favorite actor in the show. The kid who played Two-Bit was just great.
After the show was my friend Mike's birthday party. I met Mike singing karaoke and I really, really, really like him. And I did get some nice, sweet, little kisses last night. He had told me before that he really likes me, but he's really busy and we should just stay friends. But his recent behavior suggests otherwise. I could fall hard for him. I really could.